Healthy Hair Relaxers
- Coconut Cream Ingredients
Natural beauties use coconut cream to relax their natural curls. The coconut cream relaxer consists of all-natural products that can be purchased from the supermarket. The application of this relaxer, unlike many chemical relaxers, does not burn and can be left in as long as you want. The longer the relaxer is left in, the better the overall results will be. The coconut cream relaxer is a combination of virgin coconut oil, coconut milk, plain yogurt and cream of coconut. The consistency is thick and white in color, like chemical relaxers, but does not have a strong chemical smell. The sweet aroma of coconut instantly fills the room during the application process and leaves your hair feeling soft. The only drawback to the coconut cream relaxer is that it does not offer long term effects. Its straightening ability only lasts for about a week, while chemical relaxers can last two to three months. - Mizani Products
No-lye relaxers contain the straightening agent Guanidine Hydroxide, which is less damaging than lye
(sodium hydroxide) relaxers. Both relaxer types contain chemicals that can be damaging to the hair. When deciding to relax the hair, understand that moisture and PH balance are two components that must be maintained in order to avoid breakage. If you choose to make a commitment to healthy hair, than the next step would be choosing a healthy no-lye relaxer. There are many to choose from. Affirm, Mizani, and Arosci are some of the most popular no-lye relaxers, but the Olive Oil relaxer is great because it contains natural olive oil which conditions and sooths the hair's follicle and shaft. - Aloe Vera
After care is essential when chemically processing the hair. Deep conditioning and hot-oil treatments should be a part of any chemically treated hair routine. Specifically, in regards to relaxers, moisture is the key. Many shampoo brands contain Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, which causes it to lather. ALS dries out relaxed hair, strips it of moisture and natural oils, causing hair to break. There are many shampoos that do not contain this active ingredient, such as Organics shampoo. Since the hair has already been chemically treated, it would be best to use products that are all-natural. Natural products offer relaxed hair relief and help to restore moisture. Natural conditioners made from mayonnaise, papaya and aloe vera are great for relaxed hair. - The benefits of healthy hair relaxers are great. The most healthy hair relaxer will promote moisture and hair growth. Natural relaxers offers the most benefits because they do not consist of any harsh chemicals that over time destroy the hair. Less breakage is another benefit of a healthy hair relaxer.
- The biggest misconception regarding relaxers is that "no-lye" means healthy. This is not the case.
"No-lye" does not mean there are not any equally damaging chemical ingredients like those found in lye relaxers. Sodium Hydroxide (lye) and Guanidine Hydroxide (no-lye) are very similar chemicals. Both have the ability to permanently change the natural curl of hair strands, and both can severely damage the hair if not managed properly. - A strong dependency can cause Alopecia, which is a loss of hair due to scalp damage. This normally occurs when the proper amount of time is not allotted before relaxer application. It is recommended to "touch up" or apply relaxer to new hair growth every three to six months. This will also promote hair growth and decrease hair breakage.
- Before applying any relaxer, apply a base that will protect the scalp and fine hair around the edges of the hairline. Petroleum jelly can be used as a base, acting as a barrier that the chemical cannot penetrate. If you choose not to use a base, chemical burns can develop. Neutralizing shampoo is used to remove chemical residue after a relaxer application. Chemical burns are extremely painful and can damage the scalp so badly that hair will no longer grow in the burned area.
Natural Hair Relaxer: Coconut Cream
No-Lye Relaxers
After Care Equals Healthy Hair
Warning 1: Early Application
Warning 2: Chemical Burns