3 Mental Techniques to Destroy Fear of Rejection and Anxiety When Approaching Women
It may interest you to know that it's quite normal for men to feel this way.
There are certain mental techniques you can start applying immediately to overcome any anxiety that may build up.
Successful seducers always use the same, or similar, methods even though they don't usually admit it.
Even the simplest understanding of what you are about to discover will give you a significant feeling of confidence.
Start applying this now, and women will be attracted to you on a higher level.
Technique #1 - Picture her naked You may think this is crazy.
Look at it this way; women are drawn to men through sexual attraction.
They want men who are sexually comfortable with themselves.
Just read a romance novel and you'll see how true this is.
There is also another benefit to this.
You can only be sexually aroused when you are in a relaxed state of mind.
This means as soon as you can imagine what she would like naked you enter this state.
Finally, let's admit it, that's probably your initial reaction anyway.
By trying to suppress it you will only make yourself more anxious.
Technique #2 - The "warm milk" method This method slowly prepares you to approach women until you get one that likes you as much as you like her.
The reason I gave it the name is because you will actually go to at least two locations within one evening.
The first one serves as a warm up.
You will only approach a couple of women just to get yourself "warmed up".
Studies have shown that this actually puts you in a more alert state of mind, allowing you to confidently approach women when you go to the second location.
Technique #3 - The Bulldozer This is a method in which you don't even give yourself the opportunity to think.
You just go ahead and talk to the woman even if you don't know what to say.
This is my personal favorite because with time it really develops your ability to think fast in difficult situation.
The power of this technique lies in the fact that you don't have enough time to talk yourself out of the approach.
It's a mental technique based on taking action which make sure that you get to see instant results.