How to Make RC Drift Tires
- 1). Place all four rims in a stack, and align them beside the uncut PVC pipe. Mark off each rim so you know exactly where to cut.
- 2). Cut the PVC with the saw, then sand the edges until smooth. Sand the ridges on the rim until flush all the way around; this may not be necessary if the rims are relatively flat, but ridges will make it difficult to make balanced drift tires.
- 3). Put the four PVC sections into the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about five minutes (or until somewhat soft and malleable); once they are heated, they'll be much easier to put on.
- 4). Remove the four sections, then slip them over the rims (you may or may not need the rubber mallet).
- 5). Drop all four of the newly made drift wheels into the bucket of cold water. This will contract the PVC, ensuring a tight fit that should not require any super glue; if they are wiggly or not snug enough, draw a fine line of super glue around the crevice where the PVC meets the rim.
- 6). Mount your home-made wheels onto your chassis.
Size the Pipe