Ways To Keep Your Refrigerator More Efficient
Usually present in every household, the refrigerator is one of the main appliances of daily use and also accounts for the considerable amount of electricity consumption.
The efficient and effective use of your refrigerator will surely affect your monthly electricity bill to a great extent.
It is most important for you to maintain an ideal efficiency performance ratio for the home refrigerator if you want to keep all those huge electricity bills on the lower side.
There are many ways to gain efficiency as regards to the operation of your home refrigerator.
You can improve the refrigerator's optimum performance and efficiency by increasing its temperature settings.
An ideal fridge temperature should be about 37 deg Fahrenheit on the minimum side and at 0 deg Fahrenheit at the maximum cold.
This temperature range ensures that all your food items will remain fresh and will not spoil over normal period of time.
You can easily increase the refrigerator performance by turning off the ice maker.
This will also result in good energy savings for you.
About 20 to 22 percent of electricity consumption in the refrigerator is due to the operation of ice maker only.
Instead of using the ice maker, you can make use of the usual ice trays which will provide you with the nominal ice usage.
You should clear the refrigerator's top of any items.
As people have the habit of stacking all sorts of things on the top of their fridges, it is essential to mention here that this kind of stacking blocks the heat coming out from your fridge to escape easily in the atmosphere.
With such blockades, your refrigerator will have to work much more to produce the same cooling effect.
Try to place your refrigerator at the coolest spot in your kitchen far away from the heat sources.
You should also avoid placing the fridge near the window as it would expose it to the sunlight.
This is so because when exposed to such external sources of heat, the refrigerator will have to work much harder and would consume more electricity to maintain coolness.
You should also avoid keeping all liquids and food in the open containers as these open containers regularly release some moisture in the fridge and this increased moisture level compels the refrigerator's compressor to work harder than before.
You should also avoid any overstuffing in your refrigerator with food items as this overcrowding also makes your fridge to overwork beyond its limits.
These main aspects about your refrigerator will surely keep its efficiency high and any wastefulness to the bare minimum.
The efficient and effective use of your refrigerator will surely affect your monthly electricity bill to a great extent.
It is most important for you to maintain an ideal efficiency performance ratio for the home refrigerator if you want to keep all those huge electricity bills on the lower side.
There are many ways to gain efficiency as regards to the operation of your home refrigerator.
You can improve the refrigerator's optimum performance and efficiency by increasing its temperature settings.
An ideal fridge temperature should be about 37 deg Fahrenheit on the minimum side and at 0 deg Fahrenheit at the maximum cold.
This temperature range ensures that all your food items will remain fresh and will not spoil over normal period of time.
You can easily increase the refrigerator performance by turning off the ice maker.
This will also result in good energy savings for you.
About 20 to 22 percent of electricity consumption in the refrigerator is due to the operation of ice maker only.
Instead of using the ice maker, you can make use of the usual ice trays which will provide you with the nominal ice usage.
You should clear the refrigerator's top of any items.
As people have the habit of stacking all sorts of things on the top of their fridges, it is essential to mention here that this kind of stacking blocks the heat coming out from your fridge to escape easily in the atmosphere.
With such blockades, your refrigerator will have to work much more to produce the same cooling effect.
Try to place your refrigerator at the coolest spot in your kitchen far away from the heat sources.
You should also avoid placing the fridge near the window as it would expose it to the sunlight.
This is so because when exposed to such external sources of heat, the refrigerator will have to work much harder and would consume more electricity to maintain coolness.
You should also avoid keeping all liquids and food in the open containers as these open containers regularly release some moisture in the fridge and this increased moisture level compels the refrigerator's compressor to work harder than before.
You should also avoid any overstuffing in your refrigerator with food items as this overcrowding also makes your fridge to overwork beyond its limits.
These main aspects about your refrigerator will surely keep its efficiency high and any wastefulness to the bare minimum.