Radical Feminism Is The Result Of Imposing " state Feminism"
I often hear that radical feminists are perverting the laws in favor of women while undermining the rights of men and essential fairness in law. This reveals the misunderstanding that many men and women have about what both feminism and its state implementation means - and what freedom means. This article addresses these misunderstandings.
Feminism is an ideology that promotes a position for women throughout society that is at least equal to men. I say 'at least equal' because some branches of feminist ideology push for dominance of women. But whatever the myriad renditions of feminism assert, they have one common assertion.
That assertion is that the government should ensure that feminism's vision of society be implemented because men are abusive to women in one form or another. Supporting that form feminist views may include propagandizing the 'evil' of the patriarchal family structure itself, the absurdity for not realizing that women should do whatever men are doing in any occupation, or how men threaten women with mental or physical abuse according to a man's nature. 'Propaganda' is the key word here.
For if men were not so much like men, then women would have attained their 'rightful' positions throughout society. And, the only way the state can ensure a particular feminist ideology - in spite of the presence of men and their nature - is to force an outcome consistent with that ideology.
In short, feminism demands that the state ensure its women-favored outcomes based on whatever excuse - invariably depending on some 'abusive-to-women' nature of men - it can contrive to justify that outcome. Of course, this feminist approach to control society must necessarily sidestep the fundamental and equal rights of men. That's what makes state-imposed feminism a tyranny - a divide and conquer tyranny against men and freedom.
As is true for all tyrannies, propaganda against the 'oppressor' is more than essential. It's paramount for justifying the denial of fundamental rights of the oppressor.
We've been deluged with feminist propaganda for many years. Its initial plea for equal opportunity for women in many professions gained sympathy by many well-meaning men and women. But in fact, the increased education of women and society's freedom afforded growing opportunities for women and minorities in the U.S. without state imposed outcomes.
Unfortunately that sympathy was used by feminists to push for government implementation of women-based outcomes which were put in place in educational institutions, businesses, and government. Everyone is familiar with the EO and AA designations in job ADs and the associated overbearing role they play in all human resource departments.
Discrimination complaints were often justified simply by an insufficient representation of the associated minorities or women - and not by outright discrimination against sex or race per se. Government EO/AA representatives were able to legally punish any company for discrimination complaints against them. Companies, endlessly litigated against by government EE/AA representatives, eventually relented against preserving their right to hire who they thought would best serve them by conceding to at least an often veiled quota for hiring women and other minorities.
*Nothing succeeds like success:
With enormous growth in 'women-serving' government agencies and affiliates, and the power that they controlled from such EE/AA-related endeavors, feminists realized that they could use government to control society's outcomes by contriving excuses to justify those outcomes. So was born the enormous 'abuse of women' propaganda that vilifies men to achieve woman-favored outcomes in legal complaints between men and women.
Such propaganda along with feministic ideology so brainwashed into the education system has allowed the perversion of laws geared to accomplishing perceived 'social ends' rather than protecting individual rights. Feminist jurisprudence infused judicial determinations.
No legal venue is more essential for controlling society than the family court. With the help of the 'abuse of women' excuse and the feminist-maintained perversion of the 'best interest of the child' excuse, family court judges ignore the unalienable rights of fathers - including his parental right to raise his children equally to the mother.
The only function of fathers as seen by the court is for extorting them for weekly money payments for the mother for whatever she chooses to spend them on - for up to 23 years in some states. In this court where virtually all his fundamental rights are at stake, there is no substantive due process required or acknowledged.
Any noncompliance by a father means immediate jail with no jury under unjust contempt procedures. But family court and those who support it that are contemptible.
*Feminist propaganda tries to rewrite history - not unlike Marx did:
To fortify their importance to societal evolution, feminists try to take credit for all the improvements in women's positions through the 20th century. I.e. without the requirement of the state imposition of feminist ideology, women would be held back. The truth is quite the opposite as many know and as Venker and Schlafly espouse in The Flipside of Feminism.
Most of the natural abuse due to the structure of society that feminists propagandize is untrue. The structure of the family - the patriarchal family - has been beneficial to all its members and created the natural bonds between men and women that make life worthwhile. It's also the natural unit of society that can stand against government's intrusion and control because it takes care of its own.
State-imposed feminism with its feminist jurisprudence is destroying the patriarchal family to set up a fatherless matriarchal family - one that extorts fathers with the state's help while denying their fundamental rights. It's a dead-end family that divides men from women with no sense of natural extension or legacy. It's just what a totalitarian government needs to isolate individuals to better rule over people by controlling their benefits.
*Using the phrase 'radical feminism' is like saying 'radical Nazism':
State-imposed feminist ideology negates the fundamental rights of men - and therefore everyone. It represents a transition into totalitarianism. Those that support feminism are mindless of what fundamental rights mean and their essential purpose of ensuring freedom.
Hopefully, some will start waking up.
Feminism is an ideology that promotes a position for women throughout society that is at least equal to men. I say 'at least equal' because some branches of feminist ideology push for dominance of women. But whatever the myriad renditions of feminism assert, they have one common assertion.
That assertion is that the government should ensure that feminism's vision of society be implemented because men are abusive to women in one form or another. Supporting that form feminist views may include propagandizing the 'evil' of the patriarchal family structure itself, the absurdity for not realizing that women should do whatever men are doing in any occupation, or how men threaten women with mental or physical abuse according to a man's nature. 'Propaganda' is the key word here.
For if men were not so much like men, then women would have attained their 'rightful' positions throughout society. And, the only way the state can ensure a particular feminist ideology - in spite of the presence of men and their nature - is to force an outcome consistent with that ideology.
In short, feminism demands that the state ensure its women-favored outcomes based on whatever excuse - invariably depending on some 'abusive-to-women' nature of men - it can contrive to justify that outcome. Of course, this feminist approach to control society must necessarily sidestep the fundamental and equal rights of men. That's what makes state-imposed feminism a tyranny - a divide and conquer tyranny against men and freedom.
As is true for all tyrannies, propaganda against the 'oppressor' is more than essential. It's paramount for justifying the denial of fundamental rights of the oppressor.
We've been deluged with feminist propaganda for many years. Its initial plea for equal opportunity for women in many professions gained sympathy by many well-meaning men and women. But in fact, the increased education of women and society's freedom afforded growing opportunities for women and minorities in the U.S. without state imposed outcomes.
Unfortunately that sympathy was used by feminists to push for government implementation of women-based outcomes which were put in place in educational institutions, businesses, and government. Everyone is familiar with the EO and AA designations in job ADs and the associated overbearing role they play in all human resource departments.
Discrimination complaints were often justified simply by an insufficient representation of the associated minorities or women - and not by outright discrimination against sex or race per se. Government EO/AA representatives were able to legally punish any company for discrimination complaints against them. Companies, endlessly litigated against by government EE/AA representatives, eventually relented against preserving their right to hire who they thought would best serve them by conceding to at least an often veiled quota for hiring women and other minorities.
*Nothing succeeds like success:
With enormous growth in 'women-serving' government agencies and affiliates, and the power that they controlled from such EE/AA-related endeavors, feminists realized that they could use government to control society's outcomes by contriving excuses to justify those outcomes. So was born the enormous 'abuse of women' propaganda that vilifies men to achieve woman-favored outcomes in legal complaints between men and women.
Such propaganda along with feministic ideology so brainwashed into the education system has allowed the perversion of laws geared to accomplishing perceived 'social ends' rather than protecting individual rights. Feminist jurisprudence infused judicial determinations.
No legal venue is more essential for controlling society than the family court. With the help of the 'abuse of women' excuse and the feminist-maintained perversion of the 'best interest of the child' excuse, family court judges ignore the unalienable rights of fathers - including his parental right to raise his children equally to the mother.
The only function of fathers as seen by the court is for extorting them for weekly money payments for the mother for whatever she chooses to spend them on - for up to 23 years in some states. In this court where virtually all his fundamental rights are at stake, there is no substantive due process required or acknowledged.
Any noncompliance by a father means immediate jail with no jury under unjust contempt procedures. But family court and those who support it that are contemptible.
*Feminist propaganda tries to rewrite history - not unlike Marx did:
To fortify their importance to societal evolution, feminists try to take credit for all the improvements in women's positions through the 20th century. I.e. without the requirement of the state imposition of feminist ideology, women would be held back. The truth is quite the opposite as many know and as Venker and Schlafly espouse in The Flipside of Feminism.
Most of the natural abuse due to the structure of society that feminists propagandize is untrue. The structure of the family - the patriarchal family - has been beneficial to all its members and created the natural bonds between men and women that make life worthwhile. It's also the natural unit of society that can stand against government's intrusion and control because it takes care of its own.
State-imposed feminism with its feminist jurisprudence is destroying the patriarchal family to set up a fatherless matriarchal family - one that extorts fathers with the state's help while denying their fundamental rights. It's a dead-end family that divides men from women with no sense of natural extension or legacy. It's just what a totalitarian government needs to isolate individuals to better rule over people by controlling their benefits.
*Using the phrase 'radical feminism' is like saying 'radical Nazism':
State-imposed feminist ideology negates the fundamental rights of men - and therefore everyone. It represents a transition into totalitarianism. Those that support feminism are mindless of what fundamental rights mean and their essential purpose of ensuring freedom.
Hopefully, some will start waking up.