How to Create Fuller Ranunculus
- 1). Plant the ranunculus bulbs with at least 12 inches of space between them. For a short time---maybe one year at the most---this will mean a slightly sparser ranunculus presence in the garden. But adequate room is essential to plant growth in the long term.
- 2). Cut flowers just as the buds begin to open up. Make the cut close to the base of the stem as this will both prevent rotting or disease and stimulate growth in the plant.
- 3). Tend the bed each fall, looking for areas of overcrowding. Overcrowding causes weak growth. Initially, you may have more plants (which gives the appearance of a full and vibrant stand of flowers), but competition will cause these plants to suffer in growth and beauty.
- 4). Thin out any bulbs that seem to be encroaching on another's territory. Find another bed to start a new ranunculus stand or discard.
- 5). Prune the entire plant back to the ground at the end of each growing season. This allows the plant to reserve energy stores through the dormant period for an explosive spring emergence.