How do I Replace Spark Plugs & Plug Wires on a 98 Chevrolet 350?
- 1). Open the box of new wires. Lay the wires out where you can see them. They are different lengths. Match each wire up to the wires that are currently on the car, then lay the wires out in order from front to back, so it is easy to find which wire you need.
- 2). Remove all the new spark plugs from their individual boxes. Lay them out where they will not fall. If the plugs come with rings, place the rings on the plugs.
- 3). Pull the plug wire off one of the spark plugs. If it will not come off with your hands, use the spark plug wire pliers.
- 4). Remove the spark plug using the spark plug socket and ratchet. Insert the new spark plug and screw it in by hand. Firmly tighten the spark plug in the hole, but do not over tighten the plug (stop tightening when it is firmly seated in the hole).
- 5). Grab the new wire of the appropriate length as determined in Step 1. Push the wire onto the spark plug until you hear it snap. Grab the old wire and follow it up to the distributor. Remove the old wire from the distributor and discard it. Grab the loose end of the new wire and route it up to the distributor. Snap it onto its terminal.
- 6). Repeat Steps 3, 4 and 5 for each of the eight cylinders.