Who Carries Donaldson Air Filters?
- Order industrial hydraulic equipment, compressed air and filter products directly from the manufacturer. Purchase additional catalog items online through the website. While the public may access the online catalog, you must create an account to place orders or for quotations.
- Automotive suppliers frequently carry Donaldson emission-reducing products and engine filters. Ask your local dealer or find a distributor through the Where to Buy distributor locator on Donaldson's website. While you may use your complete address to locate the nearest dealer, a city and zip code suffices.
- Donaldson Tetratex membranes filter out the smallest nano-particles. This specialty product is only sold to manufacturers of equipment and bag filters. The product appears in products ranging from vacuum cleaners and systems to applications where micro-filtration is needed, such as in a clean room, where dust will damage sensitive electronics. Contact Donaldson or one of its international offices if you represent a qualified company.
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