How to Fix a Dell Flat Screen That Is Not Staying On
- 1). Examine the monitor screen to make sure it is not shattered or damaged. If the monitor has been damaged, it will probably need to be replaced.
- 2). Press the reset button on the monitor's control panel. The exact location of the reset button will vary from model to model, but in most cases it will be one of the buttons that run along the right side of the monitor. This button will return the monitor back to its factory defaults.
- 3). Check the cable that runs from the monitor to the computer and make sure it is tight. If the monitor has been going on and off, chances are that this cable has begun to loosen. Even if the monitor cable appears to be tight, it is a good idea to remove it and reseat it.
- 4). Use a small flat-head screwdriver to unscrew the monitor cable from the back of the computer and from the monitor itself. These connections are designed to be thumbscrews, but they are often tightened so far that a screwdriver is required to remove them. Remove the cable, then put it back on and tighten the screws. Replace the monitor cable if reseating it does not resolve the problem.