Tough Economic Times, Equals Free Download For Fans: Sabre Dance Video Available From Vocalist-Songw

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They say the best things in life are free. And in tough economic times like these, the word free is literally music to everyone's ears. Vocalist-Songwriter-Musician-Producer, Sonya Kahn is empathizing with her fans love for her music, who are not loving the fact they have to cut back on expenses. Now available for FREE DOWNLOAD at is her brand new breakout single music video SABRE DANCE from her classically inspired, soulful and poetic/anthemic rock-a-phonic CD, NEW BEGINNING. The video has received much attention at with over 45,000 hits in a week and even increasing her page to over 760,000 hits, with her fans begging for more. "I really feel it is important to offer a free download to your fans. It could be a song or a video. Due to difficult economic times many fans limit themselves from purchasing new music and videos. I know so many of my friends look forward to checking what iTunes has to offer for a free download. And even if they don't like the artist they still download it, for a change in music. Because I received great feedback and reviews from my fans on my YouTube channel, it felt right to offer my new video free," states Kahn.

Today's music videos are more about storytelling staging and less about the actual performance and it was important to Kahn to actually perform the song with her band in the production of the video, because Kahn has been performing her entire life. This multi-talented classically trained concert pianist with a Doctorate in Musical Theory has been playing piano since the age of three, also plays guitar (acoustic and electric) writes and produces her own music and designs her own costumes. The SABRE DANCE music video is just one of many videos in the works from Kahn. "The Music video age has changed tremendously. MTV and VH1 are more reality TV channels. 2009 is the year of HDTV, so the whole HDTV revolution is definitely increasing interest in artists making more music videos. Today artists release one music video after another and upload to YouTube… but I think YouTube is not going to be the final destination and pretty soon we are going to see more new music television," declares Kahn.

Kahn's passion for music extends beyond the realm of most people. As a third-generation female of the arts, following in the footsteps of her singer/radio performer grandmother and her established concert pianist and university professor, mother, Kahn's classical musical foundation is what inspires her musically. It is this foundation she hopes to share with her fans as inspiration to learn about different kinds of music.

"My fans are from all over the world. They all have different music tastes and backgrounds and have given me great support and feedback in letting me know my special signature style of rock and classical fusion music is popular. It's funny… and the same time flattering, when I receive emails from serious classically trained musicians, rock & roll fans and people with more urban music preferences. They all like my music and it has touched them on some level. I couldn't ask for more because as a musician, ultimately that is my purpose. My goal is to reach and touch more people with my music, spread the message through my songs and entertain at the same time," Kahn expresses.

This is not the first time Kahn has shared her motivation to broaden people's musical interests, or addressed economic issues. As a first generation immigrant she has expressed her gratitude for opportunities in the U.S. along with hope for the future. Her outspoken activism has prompted penning and recording the song "Whispering Souls" and produce videos addressing the controversial topics of Genocide and anti-war. This is something you'll see more of from Kahn in 2009 - utilizing music as her ultimate vehicle to express her voice on returning peace to the world. She has also created a group called Sonya Kahn's Speak Out Symphony (SKSOS) where she discusses a range of topics like ethics, lifecycles, politics, music and more.

"We are going through very tough times. Businesses are closing doors, people are losing their jobs, the recession is tough on everyone. And there is no instant solution. But no matter what, we have to stay optimistic. With our new president and administration, the future is looking promising but we will get there by working really hard. I am remaining optimistic about my dreams, my goals and I think more than ever, people need inspirations, people need real soul food and entertainment. Everybody needs to work toward their dreams. Very special and amazing songs, poems, symphonies and movies were created during wars and during the great depression - so history continues and we are building the future," optimistically concludes Kahn.

NEW BEGINNING is a 13-track independent release on Sonya's label Mozarta Muzik and is available on, and For the SABRE DANCE VIDEO FREE DOWNLOAD -Visit Sonya Kahn's Official Website:
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