How to Make a Quilt in One Day
- 1). Cut three 1/2-inch-wide strips from one solid color of quilt fabric, and the same size strips from a print fabric. Remove the selvage ends of all fabric strips, which are the tightly woven edges on the side of a bolt of fabric.
- 2). Pin one solid strip and one print strip together, with the right sides together. Pin along one long edge and sew this same edge together, using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. You will have created a strip consisting of two stripes. Sew all pairs of these fabrics together in the same manner.
- 3). Open up the pairs of fabric and press the seams to one side. Lay a pieced strip on the cutting mat with the long edge at the top and bottom. Align the right end of the strip with a line on the cutting board. Lay the ruler on the fabric and cut the strip into six 1/2-inch sections. Cut all strips in the same manner. You have now created a set of six 1/2-inch squares in a checkerboard pattern, with two print squares and two solid squares.
- 4). Cut a second, contrasting solid fabric into six 1/2-inch strips, and then cut the strips into six 1/2-inch squares.
- 5). Pin one pieced square and one solid square together, matching edges to make sure they're even. Sew one edge together, using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. Pin another pieced square onto the opposite edge of the solid square, making sure the print and solid squares are oriented in the same direction as the first. Sew this square onto the first two. Continue adding solid and pieced squares until your strip is as wide as your desired quilt size.
- 6). Sew more strips in the same manner, alternating print and solid squares. Make half of the strips beginning with a pieced square, and the other half beginning with a solid square. Continue making strips until the combined length is the same as your desired quilt length.
- 7). Pin together one strip that begins with a pieced square with a strip that begins with a solid square, with the right sides together. Sew these strips together along a long edge, using a 1/4-inch seam allowance. Add another strip to the pieced-together strips, making sure to alternate which type of square is the beginning square in the strip.
- 8). Sew all the strips together until you have a finished quilt top. Press the top to smooth any wrinkles and to press down the seam allowances.
- 9). Lay the finished quilt top on a flat surface with the right side facing up. Lay a piece of quilt fabric the same size as your quilt top onto this with the right side down and touching the right side of the quilt top. This fabric will be your quilt backing. Lay your quilt batting on top of the quilt backing, making sure the edges are lined up. Cut the batting to fit if needed.
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Pin these three layers together and sew along three edges, seaming two long edges and one short one. Leave the top edge open. Turn the quilt layers right side out through the opening that you left, like you would turn a pillowcase right side out. - 11
Fold the edges of the opening inside and pin that opening closed. Stitch this opening closed right at the fold line that you created. - 12
Place the closed quilt on your sewing machine surface and stitch along every seam line. Sew between each solid or pieced block. This will create the quilting for your quilt, and finish your project.