Best Five Seduction Tips For Men
1) Upgrade Your Appearance
When it comes to seducing women, the first thing you should do is clean up your appearance. Have you been striking out lately? If so, your appearance could be the number one reason. I don't care if you have washboard abs or a smooth face. I'm talking about being clean-shaven, showered, and dressed well. When approaching women, make sure you have shaved recently, your hair is groomed, and you have showered within the last 24 hours. In addition, all of this will be thrown out the window if you look like the raggedy man, wearing frayed or grubby clothes.
2) Practice Good Manners
Treating and talking to women with respect and consideration will help you seduce them much more quickly than treating them as if they are second-rate citizens. Women do not like to be treated like a pet or like second-class citizens so do not talk to them in this manner. And even in these modern times, manners and courtesy are very important in the seduction game. Pull out a woman's chair, open a door for her, hold her hand as she exits and enters a vehicle, guide her up steps and - remember Walter Raleigh - help her step over puddles on the sidewalk or on roads.
3) Punctuality Matters
Believe it or not, punctuality is a big thing with a lot of women. If you have a date planned for a specific time, make sure you are on time. If you know you will be late, have the courtesy to call your date and let her know you are running late. Make sure you ask your date if you would like to wait for you to show up or if they would like to reschedule the date for another day and time.
4) Focus on your Date
When on a date with a woman, make sure you focus all of your attention on her. Women absolutely hate it when they are on a date and have to make a major effort to hold the attention of their man. Always listen to what your date has to say, no matter if it interests you or not: make sure that you don't come across as bored or distracted. You should be prepared to start the conversation with a topic that will get her talking - but stay away from politics and religion!
5) Make her Feel Irresistible
Women who feel irresistible because their man makes them feel that way will keep coming back for more. Tell her how attractive you find her, how interesting she is, and how intelligent she is. Of course, if she's not those things, you don't want her running after you, so don't say them! And, if she is those things, don't overdo it, otherwise she'll either think you're insincere or get bored with you.
And last but not least, in the initial stages of your courtship, do not make any sexual comments, as this might turn her off to you for good.