6 Reasons Why Low Carb Diets Work - And Are Good For Your Health
It's all in the hormones! Most skeptics of low carb diets will point out that "well it just comes back to the amount of calories consumed vs.
energy spent".
But this has been scientifically proven to be wrong and outdated thinking! Insulin production is the key to maintaining a healthy weight and body fat percentage.
Here are 6 proven reasons why low carb diets work: 1.
Lowering your carbohydrate intake lowers the level of insulin your body produces.
Why is this important? Put simply insulin is responsible in our bodies for saving.
In other words, insulin is responsible for getting fat into your cells- and keeping it there! 2.
When eating low carbohydrate, you stimulate less insulin in your body, but stimulate more glucagon.
Glucagon liberates the fat from storage and gets it ready to burn for energy.
The body burns fat when sugar is not available.
Burning fat instead of sugar is always preferable when it comes to attaining your ideal weight.
Low carb diets removes unhealthy trans fats from your diet.
Low carb diets are naturally low in trans fats.
Top sources of trans fats include crackers, baked goods, muffins, anything deep-fried, doughnuts and store-bought cookies.
High carb diets have been shown to be linked to increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
By sticking to low carb, you are improving your chances of staying healthy.
A low level of fasting insulin is present in those over 100 years old.
A 1992 study showed that what the 100+ crowd they sampled had in common in terms of health was low triglycerides, high HDL cholesterol, and a low level of fasting insulin.
Only eating low carb can produce this result.
energy spent".
But this has been scientifically proven to be wrong and outdated thinking! Insulin production is the key to maintaining a healthy weight and body fat percentage.
Here are 6 proven reasons why low carb diets work: 1.
Lowering your carbohydrate intake lowers the level of insulin your body produces.
Why is this important? Put simply insulin is responsible in our bodies for saving.
In other words, insulin is responsible for getting fat into your cells- and keeping it there! 2.
When eating low carbohydrate, you stimulate less insulin in your body, but stimulate more glucagon.
Glucagon liberates the fat from storage and gets it ready to burn for energy.
The body burns fat when sugar is not available.
Burning fat instead of sugar is always preferable when it comes to attaining your ideal weight.
Low carb diets removes unhealthy trans fats from your diet.
Low carb diets are naturally low in trans fats.
Top sources of trans fats include crackers, baked goods, muffins, anything deep-fried, doughnuts and store-bought cookies.
High carb diets have been shown to be linked to increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
By sticking to low carb, you are improving your chances of staying healthy.
A low level of fasting insulin is present in those over 100 years old.
A 1992 study showed that what the 100+ crowd they sampled had in common in terms of health was low triglycerides, high HDL cholesterol, and a low level of fasting insulin.
Only eating low carb can produce this result.