Why Are Fruit Juices & Smoothies So Popular? Part 1

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Over the last few years the popularity of healthy drinks has been on the rise especially fresh juices and smoothies made from fruit and vegetables.
As more and more people lead healthy lifestyles so it has become fashionable for juice bars to open on the high streets.
However, not all of these will provide you with a drink that is wholesome.
It is because of the rise in the popularity of health drinks that you will find many food outlets and supermarkets filling fridges full of the readymade versions of smoothie drinks today.
The problem has arisen that although these products may be labelled as being healthy they use only frozen fruit syrups or denatured ingredients to make them and buying these you won't be sure of what you are really getting.
In many cases these products to ensure that they have a long shelf life contain high levels of sugar in them.
Of course the ones you buy at your local food outlet are convenient they won't provide you with the same quality drink if you were to make it yourself.
To further add to the confusion Janet Street Porter who appeared on the Gordon Ramsay show "The F Word" attacked smoothies for not being healthy but for being fattening.
But those people who visit small independent juice bars or make their own smoothies and juices at home won't have this issue as they are perfectly suitable to help natural weight control.
Drinking Raw Juice Drinks Can Reduce Cravings And So Help With Weight Loss Charles Darwin has shown has the complexity of evolution.
As well as explaining to us how we came to be he also showed us how our bodies have evolved and have adapted to the way we live to day during this period we have been evolving.
But one needs to remember that evolutionary time passes very slowly but in the last few thousand years the ways of providing the right sort of nourishment for our bodies has changed very quickly.
It is no longer normal for us to go out and look for fresh fruit, nuts, leaves and roots to eat.
In fact today many of us will not have enjoyed the simple pleasure of growing our own vegetables and as for our hunter gatherer instincts these are very little used today.
The only time they may make an appearance is when we are doing the food shopping each week.
Yes natural foods are still available but there is now a whole industry devoted to creating manufactured food.
The companies who are involved in food manufacturing create some very diverse and interesting products using processed foods.
But the problem is that although we have all these different foods to eat because they are so highly processed the nutritional value of the ingredients when they were in a raw state have been taken away.
The problem we have is that the evolutionary process our bodies are going through has not yet caught up with our modern diets.
In evolutionary terms where the body is concerned it is at the same stage where we learnt how to use fire for cooking food with.
Today in the 21st Century there is plenty of evidence which shows that the diets consisting of lots of cooked foods are very damaging for our health.
Our bodies are still evolving and we are still meant to be seeking the nutrients our bodies need from the foods that nature offers us.
If our bodies are not provided with these nutrients then our body will seek what it needs from whatever we do eat and this is when problems arise.
If for example you are someone who relies heavily on eating food from a fast food outlet you will in fact be malnourished because these foods cannot provide your body with what it needs.
Plus you will also discover that you are overweight.
We often use our hunter gatherer instincts to help us search our convenience but which simply are useless because they are over cooked and have no essential nutrients in them.
Eating such food will help to satisfy your hunger for a while but you will soon find yourself craving more and the simple reason being that there aren't enough vital nutrients in these meals to satisfy your body and give it what it requires.
The amount of people who are either obese or have diabetes has been increasing over the years because our diets are rich in fat and sugar.
But those who choose to take care of their bodies by ensuring that they get plenty of living nutrients are not going to suffer cravings as much as those people who choose to consume lots of food that are depleted because they have been highly processed or cooked.
If you drink raw fruit or vegetable juices you are providing your body with plenty of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phyto-nutrients that it needs in a form that Darwin says the digestive system can easily cope with.
Making one's own healthy raw drinks at home that are packed full of nutrients using a juicer or a blender is one way of helping to insure your health for the future.
Those who already make juice drinks from natural ingredients are finding that losing weight is much easier as they don't have the same kind of food cravings they had before they started drinking them.
Juicing enthusiasts are looking for only one thing to get healthy.
However, what may come as a surprise to some people is not only are these drinks great for controlling one's weight but even the vegetable juices taste delicious.
This you will soon come to realize if you have only ever drunk the readymade products.
Anyone who is trying to lose weight should think about replacing their breakfast or lunch with a juice or smoothie drink each day.
As well as being healthy it is much less risky way of losing weight.
What you may well discover by making this small change to your lifestyle is that in order to lose weight you won't need to diet.
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