How to Work With Crepe Paper
- 1). Cut the crepe paper in your design. Use sharp scissors because crepe paper can rip and tear from the force of blunt scissors.
- 2). Stretch crepe paper between your thumbs and fingers if you want to add shape to your design. For example, crepe paper flower petals can get a petal-like dropping shape by gently rubbing and pulling downward with a thumb and forefinger.
- 3). Stretch crepe paper around objects to make a tight fit that won't shift. For example, wrap a pipe cleaner with a long, thin piece of crepe paper for the stem, or wrap an empty paper towel holder with crepe paper to make a vase.
- 4). Use clear tape and low temp hot glue to work with crepe paper. White glue tends to make the colors run and doesn't adhere well. High-temp hot glue can melt through the paper and create unsightly lumps, as well as being a burn hazard.