Natural Ways Of Smoking Cessation
The habit of cigarette smoking continues to be the leading cause of pulmonary disease through the world. Today, cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer that is unpreventable in the world. Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer in both male and female with over 87% reported deaths. The rate is still spreading on a massive scale poising dangers such as cardiovascular disease, nicotine poisoning, strokes and cataracts. In order to limit adverse health effects, quitting smoking is vital and indispensable in reducing a persons risk of developing diseases mentioned above.
However, quitting tobacco habit has been hard for many smokers. Manufacturing companies have tried innovating smoking cessation products in order to reduce the risks associated with cigarette smoking. If people however stopped smoking, bronchitis and cancer cases would be fewer. Nevertheless, smoking cessation is possible only in using natural methods. Natural methods of smoking cessation would be most preferable than electronic cigarettes.
Go on a diet therapy
Diet therapy is most appropriate in eliminating the desire to smoke. This method will also prevent weight gain and neutralize health effects of tobacco. Some of the tips to do are:
1.All alcohol beverages to avoid. Alcohol increases the desire to smoke and weakens the willpower.
2.Elimination of spicy or highly fatty foods would help reduce the desire to smoke. These are stimulants.
3.Avoid eating less in the morning and more in the evening.
4.Eliminating and reducing the consumption of meat- meat promotes development of cancer and triggers the desire to smoke.
5.One should increase the intake of:-
-Cabbages, garlic, and radishes.
-Carrot juice. It has a high content of beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant and protects the lungs.
-Fresh vegetables salads.
-Whole grains
-Fresh oranges, Kiwis, for their vitamin C content.
-Nuts such as almonds and walnuts.
Water therapy
Another way of reducing the addiction of smoking is by use of water. Water is one of the enemies of a smoker. It strengthens the willpower of the smoker to stop the habit thus freeing the smoker from nicotine in the body. Ways to do are:
A).Intake of enough water in the day
One should drink at least eight glasses of water in a day for not less than 5 consecutive days. This should be preferably before eating and until 8 pm. Drinking of water will eliminate toxic substances such as nicotine and will increase the volume of urine. The sooner nicotine is eliminated from the brain neurons, the sooner the smoking desire disappears.
B). Outside water
Lukewarm water baths: these calms down, anesthetize, and reduce the desire to smoke.
Rubbing bath mitt soaked in cold water in the morning: rubdowns with cold water will help activate circulation of blood and stimulate the nervous system making it unnecessary to use coffee. Coffee in itself increases the desire to smoke.
Spraying water on the back will tone the nervous systems and strengthen the urge to stop smoking.
Medicinal herbs
These herbs are very helpful for cessation of cigarette smoking. The effects of medicinal herbs are mild and safe. Some of the recommended for cessation are Pectoral Herbal Teas (PHT) i.e. peppermint, common mallow and green anise. Other includes Calming Herbal Teas (CHT) such as lemon balm, sweet orange flower, and valerian. Inhalation of essential lavender oil is very recommendable when the desire to smoke is high. This produces well-being and peace to an individual.
Physical therapy
Exercising ones body reduces and eliminates poisons deposited in the body by tobacco smoke. Respiratory type of exercise is highly recommended. Some of the recommended exercise is deep breathing in consecutive breaths in 2 to 3 sessions in a day; involvement in a physical activity to a point of break sweating to at least four times in a week; and finally vigorous walking once in a day.
In conclusion, as the rate of smoking is increasing in the world, natural methods would prove to be the best tips to smoking cessation that would reduce the impact and reduce the fatal rate of smoking. Try the above methods and see the improved quality of your life.
However, quitting tobacco habit has been hard for many smokers. Manufacturing companies have tried innovating smoking cessation products in order to reduce the risks associated with cigarette smoking. If people however stopped smoking, bronchitis and cancer cases would be fewer. Nevertheless, smoking cessation is possible only in using natural methods. Natural methods of smoking cessation would be most preferable than electronic cigarettes.
Go on a diet therapy
Diet therapy is most appropriate in eliminating the desire to smoke. This method will also prevent weight gain and neutralize health effects of tobacco. Some of the tips to do are:
1.All alcohol beverages to avoid. Alcohol increases the desire to smoke and weakens the willpower.
2.Elimination of spicy or highly fatty foods would help reduce the desire to smoke. These are stimulants.
3.Avoid eating less in the morning and more in the evening.
4.Eliminating and reducing the consumption of meat- meat promotes development of cancer and triggers the desire to smoke.
5.One should increase the intake of:-
-Cabbages, garlic, and radishes.
-Carrot juice. It has a high content of beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant and protects the lungs.
-Fresh vegetables salads.
-Whole grains
-Fresh oranges, Kiwis, for their vitamin C content.
-Nuts such as almonds and walnuts.
Water therapy
Another way of reducing the addiction of smoking is by use of water. Water is one of the enemies of a smoker. It strengthens the willpower of the smoker to stop the habit thus freeing the smoker from nicotine in the body. Ways to do are:
A).Intake of enough water in the day
One should drink at least eight glasses of water in a day for not less than 5 consecutive days. This should be preferably before eating and until 8 pm. Drinking of water will eliminate toxic substances such as nicotine and will increase the volume of urine. The sooner nicotine is eliminated from the brain neurons, the sooner the smoking desire disappears.
B). Outside water
Lukewarm water baths: these calms down, anesthetize, and reduce the desire to smoke.
Rubbing bath mitt soaked in cold water in the morning: rubdowns with cold water will help activate circulation of blood and stimulate the nervous system making it unnecessary to use coffee. Coffee in itself increases the desire to smoke.
Spraying water on the back will tone the nervous systems and strengthen the urge to stop smoking.
Medicinal herbs
These herbs are very helpful for cessation of cigarette smoking. The effects of medicinal herbs are mild and safe. Some of the recommended for cessation are Pectoral Herbal Teas (PHT) i.e. peppermint, common mallow and green anise. Other includes Calming Herbal Teas (CHT) such as lemon balm, sweet orange flower, and valerian. Inhalation of essential lavender oil is very recommendable when the desire to smoke is high. This produces well-being and peace to an individual.
Physical therapy
Exercising ones body reduces and eliminates poisons deposited in the body by tobacco smoke. Respiratory type of exercise is highly recommended. Some of the recommended exercise is deep breathing in consecutive breaths in 2 to 3 sessions in a day; involvement in a physical activity to a point of break sweating to at least four times in a week; and finally vigorous walking once in a day.
In conclusion, as the rate of smoking is increasing in the world, natural methods would prove to be the best tips to smoking cessation that would reduce the impact and reduce the fatal rate of smoking. Try the above methods and see the improved quality of your life.