How to Make a Girl Want to Date You (3 Killer Secrets of Amazing Seduction)
The men who can figure out what women really want will get all the women, while those still wondering about what really turns women on will be left in the dust.
If you're reading this article right now, I'm guessing you need more tips to survive in the world of seduction and hot babes who simply ignore you.
Let's start with the most basic strategy: approach women.
It all starts here.
You need to walk over to the girl you like and introduce yourself.
What happens next will depend on whether you applied the following methods or not.
Read on...
How To Make A Girl Want To Date You (3 Killer Secrets Of Amazing Seduction) Tip #1.
Market Yourself as a Challenge.
Most women aren't psychic, but they manage to sniff out the wussy men instantly because these men have a certain scent about them...
the scent of fear.
If you're scared of women, they will see through you because of the timid and nervous body language you project.
Here's what you must do.
Walk up to a girl with a certain nonchalant air about you so she won't think you're just another wuss who wants to get in her pants.
Talk to her and tease her but be slightly aloof.
This will make her ego burst, and she will feel compelled to do anything to make you notice her.
Tip #2.
Be Mysterious.
If you feel that your voice will crack because of nervousness, don't say anything.
Simply smile and tilt your head to one side when you lock eyes with a girl (as if to ask 'what's up?').
She won't notice that this is your way of covering up your anxiety; rather, she will see this as a signal that you're checking her out.
What will intrigue her is your apparent aloofness, despite that you obviously noticed her.
This tactic has made more than one woman approach me in the past.
Tip #3.
Use Hypnosis.
Using a particular hypnotic seduction method called fractionation, master seducers have been known to be able to make women fall in love very quickly - often within 15 minutes upon first meeting them.
It's effective, but at the same time controversial because it can easily turn a woman into a stalker.