How to Build a 3-Point Hitch Implement
- 1). Take stock of your tractor and the 3-point hitch. Locate the vehicle's center of gravity -- this is a safety issue when it is pulling an attachment. Measure the distance between the 2 lifting arms and that between each arm and the top link. Make sure your tractor has the power range required for the desired implement.
- 2). Study the standards published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) that apply to your specific implement. This organization of technical experts conducts ongoing research into improving the safety and effectiveness of agricultural machinery.
- 3). Inquire about the availability of existing plans for your implement from your nearest extension agent. University-sponsored extension offices are regionally present in every state to assist farmers and other landowners. Alternative design sources can be found oline where patent information is published and at do-it-yourself sites. Confirm with the agent that the plan you select is consistent with your hitch measurements and with the ASABE recommendations.
- 4). Purchase the components for the attachment either locally or online. Include a 3-point implement hitch adapter in your parts inventory.
- 5). Assemble the implement in accordance with your chosen blueprint. Take care that the attachment points correspond to the measurements you made on the 3-point hitch. Depending on the detail of the plan, you may have flexibility in what joiners, nuts, bolts and washers you use. Seek advice from your county agent or an experienced implement builder. Do not sacrifice quality for price.
- 6). Test the new equipment with your tractor on a flat surface. When raising the implement, the maximum lift should not exceed ASABE standards. These guidelines likewise apply to extension on plows and digging instruments.