Tropical Hibiscus Tree Care
- Hibiscus needs full sun but will tolerate light shade. Plants grown in shade have fewer flowers and may have a leggy growth habit. Plant hibiscus in a deep, organic, well-drained soil with a slightly acid pH. Used raised beds if the soil is heavy clay. Hibiscus is a tropical plant that needs protection when temperatures drop below 30 degrees. Grow hibiscus outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 and 10. Grow hibiscus as an annual or greenhouse plant in cooler areas. Hibiscus adapts well to containers.
- Hibiscus need at least an inch of rainfall a week. Water deeply in weeks when rainfall falls short. The plants like to be moist, but not wet. Fertilize monthly during the growing season with a high-nitrogen and low- or no-phosphorous fertilizer.
- Prune regularly to control the height and shape. Cut wayward branches just above a side shoot.