Beeswax Vs Paraffin Wax: What Makes a Healthy Candle
Why Beeswax is the Best Choice for Candles We all like to find ways to make our homes more inviting.
We use photos, trinkets and candles to change the atmosphere but at what cost? Contemporary paraffin candles can expel carcinogenic toxins such as benzene and toluene while traditional bees wax candles carry all of the benefits and few draw backs.
In today's world of artificial, manufactured and fabricated products the word toxic has become commonplace and almost accepted.
Even household knick-knacks have become pollutants.
In recent history a large portion of our functional and scented candles have been created using paraffin wax, a petroleum by-product that is bleached white for commercial use.
Beeswax, however, is much safer and just as decorative.
Appearance At the end of the day wax is wax.
Although paraffin and bees wax are two different types.
They are formed and prepared for commercial use in much the same method.
Molds or rolled layers are pressed creating the candles we have come to recognize.
The material put into those molds is up to the manufacturer.
As far as appearance goes both waxes can be formed in any shape.
We'll call this a tie.
Scent Paraffin candles often have hard perfumes and scents added in by the manufacturer.
These additives are often chemically based releasing toxins and carcinogens into the air when burned.
Bees wax is all natural releasing a sweet smell similar to honey when burned.
Usually beeswax isn't scented for this reason alone.
Let's say bees wax wins this category.
Pollution While bees wax is all natural without any bleach, chemicals or additives paraffin wax can't make the same claim.
Paraffin is derived from a dark sludge left over from various petroleum processes.
It is bleached and then hardened with another chemical even before final manufacturing where more chemicals can be added by individual candle makers.
Again, beeswax takes the ribbon.
Health The health ramifications are clear.
Paraffin releases harmful materials into the air we breath while bees wax is recommended as a safer option for those suffering from respiratory illnesses such as asthma.
And bees wax wins in a landslide with a record of 3 wins 0 losses and 1 tie.
Remember, beeswax can be harder to find in the open market but it's popularity is growing and as a result so is it's audience and reach.
We recommend bees wax over paraffin wax as a healthy choice hands down.
Keep healthy and stay informed.
It's our green Earth to inhabit together.
We use photos, trinkets and candles to change the atmosphere but at what cost? Contemporary paraffin candles can expel carcinogenic toxins such as benzene and toluene while traditional bees wax candles carry all of the benefits and few draw backs.
In today's world of artificial, manufactured and fabricated products the word toxic has become commonplace and almost accepted.
Even household knick-knacks have become pollutants.
In recent history a large portion of our functional and scented candles have been created using paraffin wax, a petroleum by-product that is bleached white for commercial use.
Beeswax, however, is much safer and just as decorative.
Appearance At the end of the day wax is wax.
Although paraffin and bees wax are two different types.
They are formed and prepared for commercial use in much the same method.
Molds or rolled layers are pressed creating the candles we have come to recognize.
The material put into those molds is up to the manufacturer.
As far as appearance goes both waxes can be formed in any shape.
We'll call this a tie.
Scent Paraffin candles often have hard perfumes and scents added in by the manufacturer.
These additives are often chemically based releasing toxins and carcinogens into the air when burned.
Bees wax is all natural releasing a sweet smell similar to honey when burned.
Usually beeswax isn't scented for this reason alone.
Let's say bees wax wins this category.
Pollution While bees wax is all natural without any bleach, chemicals or additives paraffin wax can't make the same claim.
Paraffin is derived from a dark sludge left over from various petroleum processes.
It is bleached and then hardened with another chemical even before final manufacturing where more chemicals can be added by individual candle makers.
Again, beeswax takes the ribbon.
Health The health ramifications are clear.
Paraffin releases harmful materials into the air we breath while bees wax is recommended as a safer option for those suffering from respiratory illnesses such as asthma.
And bees wax wins in a landslide with a record of 3 wins 0 losses and 1 tie.
Remember, beeswax can be harder to find in the open market but it's popularity is growing and as a result so is it's audience and reach.
We recommend bees wax over paraffin wax as a healthy choice hands down.
Keep healthy and stay informed.
It's our green Earth to inhabit together.