Landscaping With Rocks for Kids
- 1). Make some stepping stones with your kids so you can create paths that wind through your landscaping. Spread out some newspaper to protect your work surface, or work outside.
- 2). Spray some foil pans with vegetable cooking spray, which is an easy job for the smallest of children.
- 3). Help your child mix the cement following the package instructions, as the measurements will vary depending on whether you're using a stepping stone kit or a bag of cement. Mix the cement in a disposable plastic container using a disposable spoon.
- 4). Pour the cement into the foil pans. Fill them about three-quarters of the way full.
- 5). Allow the kids to place small items gently into the wet cement. Use small rocks they've collected on hikes or shells from the beach. Push the items down into the cement slightly so the edges are flush with the cement.
- 6). Leave the stepping stones to dry for about 12 hours or longer, according to the package directions.
- 7). Remove the stepping stones from the foil pans by tipping them upside-down, and allow the stones to slide out. Cut the foil pans down the sides, if necessary, to help you remove them if the cement is sticking.
- 8). Set the stones out in the path you want to make in your landscaping. Allow the kids to help you with this and put their stones where they want along the path.
- 9). Dig a small hole that is just big enough for the kids to set the stepping stones down into the dirt. Pack the dirt around the edges of the stepping stone.