Esoteric Black Magic Techniques
Esoteric black magic is a common form of psychic attack.
Any kind of energy drain brings you down and these psychic methods are used in secret.
They are designed to give you a hard time.
Your first positive act in responding to magic attack is to identify the source of the dark energy.
When someone believes they have a curse there can be several reasons as follows depending on your individual situation: 1.
The victim of black magic brings on their own bad luck.
If fear is the most prominent emotion around one there is much negativity present in the thoughts than there would be otherwise.
It is true if the belief is held that one is the victim of black magic, even though in reality there is no negative energy around, the environment begins to conform to the deeply held belief pattern.
It is like a self fulfilling prophecy.
This is happening on the individual level.
This form of negative suggestion is also used to control crowds of people.
Many dictators use the creation of fear to control populations.
It is a milder, thought still sinister, form of mind control where you tell the population all they can expect in life is heartache and struggle, that the dictator knows best, and this becomes a blueprint for their future actions as this is the only possibility the people can see.
Hitler was a master at this form of suggestion upon the masses.
Thought forms that harm.
A group of people in a ritual can create harmful thought forms and project them at the victim.
The act of making an image of a person and sticking needles into it is more than a voodoo stereotype you see in the movies.
Chanting and affirmations repeated in a black magic ritual give the negative thought added power to do harm.
The receiver feels the negative energy of this occult practice even if thousands of miles away and suffers for it.
The summoning of negative spirits, demons, and astral entities.
There are spirit entities caught between worlds that the black magician summons to send in the direction of the intended victim.
The purpose of this is to enable the astral troublemaker to eat away the aura of the one who receives the energy.
Unexpected bad luck, energy loss for no apparent reason, and relationship conflicts occur soon after.
Not nice to experience if you are on the receiving end.
The karma of the black occultist is one that is bleak as the repeated sinister actions over a lifetime have stacked up so much negative karma against the magician he ends up destroying himself in the end.
The lords of karma see to it justice is done but he may last awhile before he meets his end.
Anyone who wishes to dabble in the occult is seriously advised against doing so.
What makes black magic so alluring is the benefit of easy gain and influence with no effort.
It is very attractive to the ego and pumps up the one thinking he is better than everyone else.
It is a trap better not to fall into.
All of those who practice black magic end up in a hell world at the end.
Any kind of energy drain brings you down and these psychic methods are used in secret.
They are designed to give you a hard time.
Your first positive act in responding to magic attack is to identify the source of the dark energy.
When someone believes they have a curse there can be several reasons as follows depending on your individual situation: 1.
The victim of black magic brings on their own bad luck.
If fear is the most prominent emotion around one there is much negativity present in the thoughts than there would be otherwise.
It is true if the belief is held that one is the victim of black magic, even though in reality there is no negative energy around, the environment begins to conform to the deeply held belief pattern.
It is like a self fulfilling prophecy.
This is happening on the individual level.
This form of negative suggestion is also used to control crowds of people.
Many dictators use the creation of fear to control populations.
It is a milder, thought still sinister, form of mind control where you tell the population all they can expect in life is heartache and struggle, that the dictator knows best, and this becomes a blueprint for their future actions as this is the only possibility the people can see.
Hitler was a master at this form of suggestion upon the masses.
Thought forms that harm.
A group of people in a ritual can create harmful thought forms and project them at the victim.
The act of making an image of a person and sticking needles into it is more than a voodoo stereotype you see in the movies.
Chanting and affirmations repeated in a black magic ritual give the negative thought added power to do harm.
The receiver feels the negative energy of this occult practice even if thousands of miles away and suffers for it.
The summoning of negative spirits, demons, and astral entities.
There are spirit entities caught between worlds that the black magician summons to send in the direction of the intended victim.
The purpose of this is to enable the astral troublemaker to eat away the aura of the one who receives the energy.
Unexpected bad luck, energy loss for no apparent reason, and relationship conflicts occur soon after.
Not nice to experience if you are on the receiving end.
The karma of the black occultist is one that is bleak as the repeated sinister actions over a lifetime have stacked up so much negative karma against the magician he ends up destroying himself in the end.
The lords of karma see to it justice is done but he may last awhile before he meets his end.
Anyone who wishes to dabble in the occult is seriously advised against doing so.
What makes black magic so alluring is the benefit of easy gain and influence with no effort.
It is very attractive to the ego and pumps up the one thinking he is better than everyone else.
It is a trap better not to fall into.
All of those who practice black magic end up in a hell world at the end.