How to Display African Violets
- 1). Tuck small varieties of African violets, such as "Rob's Ooey Gooey," "Rob's Boolaroo" or "Rob's Argyle Socks," in china tea cups. Arrange these pink beauties in groups of three, placed on serving trays or cake platters.
- 2). Plant varieties that tend to be larger and have more leaves in tea pots. Choices include "Buckeye Scrumptious," "Opera's Romeo" and "Big Bang." Each of these robust varieties present lovely purple flowers of varying shades. Slip smaller varieties such as "Ness Crinkle Blue" or "Optimara Little Moonstone" into miniature tea pots to round out the collection.
- 3). Display bold red African violets, such as "Rob's Love Bite" and "Navajo Nation" in understated china. These standard-sized flowers can be planted in tea cups, sugar urns or tea pots. Combine a few red violets with pink for a stunning, colorful effect.
- 4). Highlight colored china with white and off-white varieties of African violets, such as "Ness Viking Maiden," "Irish Flirt" and "Green Genes." These pale specimens will bring out the colors of the china while making a lovely presentation.
- 5). Mix types and patterns of china for optimal effect. Utilize tea cups and tea pots, sugar urns, cream pots, cake plates and serving trays. Arrange flowers in groups of three or more for an appealing visual effect. Tuck African violets into windowsills and line shelves with them for a colorful display in the home.