How to Root a Snowball Plant
- 1). Place a coffee filter at the bottom of the 4-inch pots. The coffee filters allow the water to drain out, while keeping the soil in the pot. Prepare a pot for each cutting you have.
- 2). Fill the pots with potting soil.
- 3). Examine the snowball plant to find softwood. Softwood is flexible new growth; when the stem is bent, it will not snap or break.
- 4). Cut 6-inch lengths, measuring from the tip down. Each cutting should have at least three leaf nodes. Make the cut right below the leaf node.
- 5). Remove all the leaves except the top two to three.
- 6). Fill a glass with water and dip the cut end of the snowball plant to wet it. Shake off the excess water.
- 7). Dip the wet end into rooting hormone. Tap the stem to remove the excess rooting hormone.
- 8). Insert a pencil into the potting soil to make a hole, and then push the end with the rooting hormone into the hole. Firm the soil around the stem with your fingers.
- 9). Water the snowball plants thoroughly until water comes out the bottom drainage holes. Wait for the water to drain out of the soil.
- 10
Place clear plastic bags over the pots. - 11
Place the pots in a bright window but keep them out of direct sunlight. - 12
Check the soil daily for moisture. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. It takes a month or more for the roots to form. - 13
Remove the clear plastic bags when roots have formed. Test the cuttings by pulling gently on the stem. If you feel resistance, then the roots have formed.