5 Time Management Tips For College Students
Excited about starting college life? College life has its own charm, new friends, a new place and working towards your career all make this life look exciting.
What can be bothersome though is the fact that college time is serious work.
There is so much to do and so little time.
Without learning the art of managing time, college life can be a little tough.
Once your time is nicely managed you will be able to work and play.
Here Are 5 Time Management Tips for Students in College
Learning to stay disciplined by properly prioritizing is important.
What can be bothersome though is the fact that college time is serious work.
There is so much to do and so little time.
Without learning the art of managing time, college life can be a little tough.
Once your time is nicely managed you will be able to work and play.
Here Are 5 Time Management Tips for Students in College
- Use a Calendar - This calendar could be in any form; on paper, on PDA or on phone.
Just make sure that you have calender and use it.
Calendars on the phone and your PDA, allow you to take the advantage of technology.
You could set alarms, reminders.
On a paper calendar you could use different colored pens which would help you prioritize things. - Use a Secondary Calendar - Make sure you do not start recording everything on this calendar.
Create multiple calendars and avoid recording college tasks and particular free-time events on the same calendar.
Pinpointing time to do your laundry, call your parents, dissertation to be submitted all should be on this secondary calendar. - Plan Your Work - There is a small chance that an assignment may come up unwarranted.
For example, an assignment that is to be submitted within the next 15 days.
Plan how much time you need to research and consolidate this assignment.
A smart tip is to always pinpoint your personal deadline for this assignment a day or two prior to the actual deadline. - Flexibility is Important - Plan your schedule as far ahead as possible, but do not commit to the mistake of putting the activities in water tight compartments.
Allow yourself a certain amount of flexibility.
Assignments cannot crop up out of the blue but birthday parties or a common cold can. - Reward Yourself - Always remember to reward yourself after a few days.
Going to a party after the exams are over is justifiable.
Then, there is no need to feel guilty what so ever.
After following a tight schedule, some relaxation is well deserved.
Learning to stay disciplined by properly prioritizing is important.