Surrounding Yourself With Motivating People and Why You Must Do It
You will not achieve success alone.
Even if you work for yourself, you still need to have a group you surround yourself with who is also motivated.
They can be motivated to do their own thing, just like you are doing yours.
You will check in with each other from time to time and give motivation to each other, helping one another reach their own goals.
If you have a family member or friend that is always watching the news were talking about how bad the world is, this will not help motivate you.
If you live with a few roommates that go to work, only to come home complaining and whining about how bad their day in job was, this will not help you.
You need to surround yourself with positive people everywhere you go.
This will help you stay motivated.
There are some people you can choose to be around, as well as not choose to be around.
Your coworkers are people you will have to interact with on a daily basis.
If you know some of them are negative people, then you should minimize the time you spend with them.
However, you should also goal seek out other people who are positive that you can make friends with.
You can encourage them as well as them encouraging you.
It is a support group, very similar to AA.
Make sure you surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself.
You should feel inspired and happy with the people you choose to spend time with.
If you have people that take away from your energy and motivation, you will need to minimize time with them.
If it is your mother or a close family member, you will have to catch them on their good days.
Take them somewhere that makes them happy.
Try and spend time with them while they are in a good mood and minimize the time you spend with them when they are down and miserable.
It's not a matter of being rude or treating someone like you don't want to be around them.
This is about setting up your life to help your situation and achieve success.
A few different suggestions that may help you are: if you're religious, you should consider attending a worship service at the church.
You can also go to educational seminars about subject you are interested.
Hiring a mentor or a life coach is one of the greatest things you can do to help yourself achieve success.
There are some concerts and athletic events that may also motivate you.
Find what it is and move towards what works.