How to Burn a DivX
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A green LED light will indicate proper computer hardware and operating system function.power button image by Aditia Patria Warman from
Turn on your computer and ensure your operating system and disc burner are functioning correctly. This prevents critical hardware errors during disc burning that could harm your DivX file or computer. Log in to your operating system user account and locate the DivX files you wish to burn. Calculate the total size of the DivX files and determine if you will need to use a DVD (max. size = 4.7 GB) or CD (max. size = 700 MB) when burning. - 2
Insert a blank disc to begin the burning process.notebook keyboard with open tray image by Ferenc Szelepcsenyi from
Insert a blank CD or DVD (depending on your space requirement) by pressing the "Eject" button your disc burner. Close the burner's disc tray and allow the disc to be read by your operating system. Your computer will create a pop-up window, which will prompt you for instructions on what to do with the blank disc. Select "Burn Files to Disc" and click "OK." Your operating system's default burning software will display a blank window where you can drag or paste the files you wish to burn. - 3
Do not remove your disc before the burn process reaches completion.100% satisfaction guaranteed belt image by patrimonio designs from
Place all DivX files you wish to burn in the blank disc menu and click "Burn Files to Disc." A new window will appear, prompting you to give your new disc a title. Choose a suitable title such as "Jim's Movie Collection" or "Mary-Jane's Smokin' BBQ Summer Footage" and click "OK." Your disc will begin burning and will eject from the disc drive after reaching completion.