How do I Hunt Big Elk in Colorado?
- 1). Locate where elk are living during the summer, before the hunting season begins. Knowing the location of elk herds and spotting big bulls prior to the season will save days in searching for them once the hunting season opens.
- 2). Hunt during the September and October rut, when bulls are actively gathering herds of cows. Bulls are on the move at this time and easier to find than they are later in the season when they leave the herds. River drainages are a particularly good place to hunt at this time, because the graze is better and water is available.
- 3). Set up the spotting scope and study meadows, aspen groves and sparsely forested mountainsides---these are the most likely places to find elk. Search the area slowly with the scope, and watch for any movement that could be an elk. Once you spot the elk, you can then stalk them.
- 4). Walk slowly around the tree-lined edges of meadows and through the timber, following elk trails. Stop frequently and study the country around you through the binoculars. This method of hunting will often surprise elk in their beds and make them get up and move, which allows you to see them.
- 5). Take a stand overlooking a grassy feeding area two hours before dark or one hour before dawn. Before dark, elk will move into the area to feed and can be found feeding when the sun comes up.
- 6). Call elk to you by using an elk bugle call during the rut, which imitates the challenging call of a young bull. A big bull will take exception to a young bull challenging him for the cows and will come to the call, giving you a chance for a shot.