How to Become Happy and Healthy by Being Organized
Being disorganized causes all sorts of problems, many may not be obvious to you at first glance.
Here are just a few issues to consider which might be linked to being disorganized one way or another: * Decreased energy levels * Lack of time for yourself * Lack of sleep * Increased stress levels * Financial strain and wasted money * Embarrassment (forgetting birthdays, not returning borrowed items, missing important appointments) * Ineffective multitasking * Overwhelm * Forgetfulness and poor memory * Poor health * Mental health issues * Addictions to escape from the problem I am sure the list could go on.
Feeling bad about yourself and not tackling the problem because it is just too huge is not going to help.
Feeling guilty will not create order either.
You need to take little baby steps and keep working away, little by little.
Be aware that most people are not naturally organized or born organizers.
You are not alone.
It is even more important to get organized when you are not a natural organizer.
Where to start? Help is at hand.
Claire McFee is the author of a book called Organize Your Life and the co-creator of Organize Your Life E-organizers.
She has created over 300 lists to help you get organised.
Yes, you can print them out, tick things off with a real pen and put them into real folders or binders.
Claire left us with a great thought - The Weakest Pen is Better than the Strongest Memory.