Who Protects Us Against Social Security Fraud?
- Field office employees receive training in detecting discrepant statements and evaluating documents regarding citizenship, income and disability, often using computerized databases to verify them. Employees reported 35,485 cases of possible fraud to OIG in 2009.
- The OIG created special cadres of Cooperative Disability Investigators (CDI) to investigate allegations of fraud in Social Security's disability programs. They develop evidence for prosecuting fraud in cooperation with SSA, local law enforcement, and the State Disability Determination Units that make disability decisions. In the 2009 federal fiscal year, CDI recovered or prevented $126 million in fraudulent payments.
- A Social Security Office of the Inspector General was established in 1995. This is an independent office that has an Office of Audit to objectively evaluate Social Security's performance in administering its many programs and an Office of Investigations which investigates fraud by both the public and SSA's employees.
- OIG and SSA run the Prison Inmate program that computerizes data from law- enforcement agencies about incarcerated beneficiaries. SSA computers interface with other agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, the IRS and the Veterans Administration to identify persons with unreported income and resources, and to detect absences from the United States that affect eligibility for benefits and benefit amounts. Some benefits such as Supplemental Security Income stop when beneficiaries leave the United States.
- OIG stated in its semiannual report to Congress that during 2009 the office received 129,495 allegations of fraud, made 1,088 arrests, and criminally prosecuted 1,486 cases nationwide. As a result, the government received $2,864,542 in fines and $24,126,913 in restitution.
- OIG received 22,783 allegations of fraud from members of the public. Anyone aware of possible wrongdoing can call his Hotline at 1-800-269-0271. Callers can remain anonymous.
First Line of Defense
Cooperative Disability Investigation
Office of the Inspector General
Computer Records
Prosecution and Fines
Citizen Assistance