Breakup Rehab - Getting Your Ex Back by Avoiding Text Message Terrorism
Both have intense withdrawals that could make you lose your mind and lose your chance to see your goal through.
For a breakup, there are different ways to get the hit you think you need.
Unfortunately, it's never enough so you are likely to lose control and make a nuisance of yourself.
The communication you long to have is only a mistake and one form of this communication is, "Text Message Terrorism.
" What is this atrocity? Text Message Terrorism is when you barrage your ex with any form of virtual communication that he can't get a break from the beeping, buzzing and flashing that happens with each message, voicemail or IM you send.
Sadly, this could result in him blocking your number because he can't go day to day with constant interruption from you.
He has a life he wants to live and he wants you to do the same.
Now the big question: Why? What would drive a person to become a terror? Generally it's fear of losing someone you've had close to you for such a long time.
Also, if you're trying to win him back, your mind thinks that the best way to keep a hold of him is to keep close contact.
These are both far from the truth.
Your ex isn't just going to put you as another mark on his stick that he won't ever remember.
Even if your ex does move on, you've made an impact in his life.
However, he might just be taking some time for himself and he thought the best way to get that time was to break things off.
No matter what the outcome of the breakup is...
if you continue to harass your ex with text message terrorism, you're not going to have a very good chance of getting him back.
Your first priority should be to take care of yourself and your needs.
Take charge of your life and stop pestering your ex so you both have time to heal.