How to Play Electric Guitar Sounds With a PC Keyboard
- 1). Choose your desired electric guitar sound. This sound may already be preset in an effects or instruments folder, depending on your digital music production interface. If not, copy and paste a 1 second stab of a recorded electric guitar sound.
- 2). Open the MIDI controller function in your digital music production interface. Check the menu bar for an option such as "Open MIDI controller" or "New MIDI track." It may open in a new window or instrument track in your multitrack view.
- 3). Load the electric guitar sound into your MIDI controller. Click and drag the sound file into the MIDI track or onto the musical keyboard-shaped MIDI controller applet. Find the option in your menu bar or on your MIDI controller applet such as "Load MIDI sound" if clicking and dragging sound files does not work.
- 4). Assign the electric guitar sound's notes to different keys on your PC keyboard. Look for an option in your menu bar or on your MIDI controller applet such as "Assign MIDI control." Set each note to the PC keyboard key of your choosing. Assign multiple notes to one key to create chords if your digital music production interface allows.
- 5). Push the corresponding key on your PC keyboard to the note you would like to play. Hold the down the corresponding key for as long as you would like the note to play. Hold down multiple keys to play chords. Repeat this process as necessary to create your desired melody.