How to Display a Flag From a Building
- 1). Decide where the flag is to be displayed. Make sure your choice complies with building safety and local zoning ordinances and is practical for hoisting and lowering the flag. Flags should be flown on or near the main entrance of public buildings. Options for display include:
•From a pole at the top of the building
•From a bracket mounted on the side of the building with the flag suspended at an angle or horizontally
•From vertical brackets mounted on the side of the building with the flag held upright
•Displayed vertically or horizontally against a wall
•Suspended between two buildings across a street - 2). If displaying more than one flag, use the following guidelines:
•Keep all other flags either below or to the left (the flag's left) of the U.S. flag
•If a group of flags of states or organizations are displayed from staffs, position the American flag in the center and slightly above the others
•If flags of multiple nations are displayed, they should all be displayed at the same height, with the American flag furthest to the right.
•If displaying more than one flag on the same pole as the U.S. flag, put the other flag or flags below the U.S. flag
•If a group of flags are displayed with the U.S. flag, raise the American flag first and lower it last. - 3). Mount the hardware as needed for the display you choose.
- 4). Mount the flag on the pole with the blue field uppermost and closest to the mast.
If mounting flat against a building, you may mount it vertically or horizontally, but make sure the blue starry field (the union) is displayed at the top and to the flag's right (the observer's left).
If suspended across a street, the flag should be mounted vertically, with the stripes running down towards the street. It should be displayed with the blue starry field to the north over a street that runs east-west. On a street that runs north-south, position the union to the east. - 5). Hoist the flag quickly. If flying at half-mast, raise it all the way, then lower it to half level.
Do not fly the flag in inclement weather unless it is an all weather flag. - 6). Lower the flag slowly and remove it at the end of daylight hours unless the flag is illuminated.
If the flag has been at half-mast, raise it to the top of the pole before lowering it.
Handle the flag with respect, never letting it touch the ground or anything beneath the flag.
Fold the flag and store it carefully when it's not in use.