Lighting Requirements for a Saltwater Aquarium
- Most saltwater aquarium equipment is sold separately and not as a packaged kit. The hood is the apparatus in which the lighting is contained. Make sure that the hood you select has proper ventilation, because aquarium light bulbs emit heat.
- The basic saltwater aquarium tank holds about 60 gallons and requires a minimum of two fluorescent bulbs. The typical combination is one 10,000K bulb and one actinic blue bulb, the light of which penetrates deeper into the water.
- Halide bulbs are used primarily on saltwater reef aquariums with corals. The metal halide bulb possesses a single point of light, similar to sunlight. Metal halide bulbs create a lot of heat and use a lot of energy. They need to be replaced frequently--usually every six months--but are not expensive. Place metal halide lights at least 6 inches above the tank.
Aquarium Hoods
Metal Halide