Panart Hang, Hang Drum
I recently became aware of the new Application available on Iphone and Ipad for the Panart Hang. The app is called Odd Music: Hang and is available through the App store.
Odd Music: Hang allows you to pick from a multitude of scales and uses the same interface to assign those different notes to the different areas of the screen. Around the outside of the hang you are able to produce sounds closer to the more rhythmical aspects of the hang whilst the playing surfaces remain the same as a normal instrument. A simple record a play function has also been implemented. Great for a quick play and if you need a certain scale for something you can put it through an amp and it sounds pretty cool! Ultimately, it is also great to become acquainted with the scales and come to a decision as to which one is your fav!
Here is the interface:
The program gives you the ability to play many different hang scales including:
QT = Quarter Tone.
Aeolian A,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C,D.
Ake Bono G,C,D,Eb,G,Ab,C,D,Eb.
Banshiki Cho F,C,Eb,F,Ab,Bb,C,Eb,F.
Bayati A,D,QTEb,F,G,A,Bb,C,D.
Dorian A,D,E,F,G,A,B,C,D.
Harmonic Minor A,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C#,D.
Hitzaz A,D,Eb,F#,G,A,Bb,C,D.
Hitzazkiar Persian Scale A,D,Eb,F#,G,A,Bb,C#,D.
Hungarian Major A,C,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,A,C.
Huzam A,D,F,F#,G,A,B,C#,D.
Ionian G,C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C.
Kokin Choshi G,C,Db,F,G,Bb,C,Db,F.
Kourd Atar / Todi G,C,Db,Eb,F#,G,Ab,B,C.
Lydian G,C,D,E,F#,G,A,B,C.
Minor Penta G,C,Eb,F,G,Bb,C,Eb,F.
Neveseri A,D,Eb,F,Gb,A,Bb,C,Db.
Niavent Egyptian A,D,E,F,G#,A,Bb,C#,D.
Nirz Rast G,C,D,QTEb, F,G,QTAb,Bb,C.
Pentatonic C G,C,D,E,G,A,C,D,E.
Pentatonic F F,C,D,F,G,A,C,D,F.
Pelog G,C,Db+25,D+66,F+63,Gb+76,Ab,A+65,C+20 (+ cents).
Purvi A,D,Eb,F#,G#,A,Bb,C#,D.
Pygmy G,C,D,Eb,G,Bb,C,D,Eb.
Rast G,C,D,QTEb,F,G,A,QTBb,C.
Rumanikos A,D,E,F,G#,A,B,C,D.
Sabah A,D,E,F,Gb,A,Bb,C,C#.
Sadjagrama G+9, C,D-36,Eb-27,F-9,G+9,A-27,Bb-18,C (+/- Cents).
Segiah A,D,F,F#,G,A,Bb,C#,D.
Sho G,C,D,Eb,F,G,A,C,D.
Siendro G,C,D+18,E+73,G+21,A+54,C+13,D+58,E+95 (+ Cents).
Blues G,C,Eb,F,F#,G,Bb,C,Eb.
Goonkali G,C,Db,F,G,Ab,C,Db,F.
Iwato F,C,Db,F,Gb,Bb,C,Db,F.
Kumoi G,C,D,Eb,G,A,C,D,Eb.
Locrian E,B,C,D,E,F,G,A,B.
Locrian (Alternative Version) F,C,Db,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb,C.
Mmadhyamagrama G,C,D-36,Eb-27,F-9,G-45,A-27,Bb-18,C (+/- Cents).
Magen abot Bb,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb,C#,D.
Melog Selisir F,A,Bb,C,E,F,A,Bb,C.
Mixolydian G,C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C.
Overtone Scale Bb,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb,C#,D.
Noh G,C,D,F,G,G#,A,B,C.
Phrygian F#,B,C,D,E,F#,G,A,B.
Pyeong Jo F,C,D,F,A,Bb,C,D,F.
Shang Diao F,Bb,C,Eb,F,Ab,Bb,C,Eb.
Zokuso E,B,C,E,F,G,B,C,E.
Odd Music: Hang allows you to pick from a multitude of scales and uses the same interface to assign those different notes to the different areas of the screen. Around the outside of the hang you are able to produce sounds closer to the more rhythmical aspects of the hang whilst the playing surfaces remain the same as a normal instrument. A simple record a play function has also been implemented. Great for a quick play and if you need a certain scale for something you can put it through an amp and it sounds pretty cool! Ultimately, it is also great to become acquainted with the scales and come to a decision as to which one is your fav!
Here is the interface:
The program gives you the ability to play many different hang scales including:
QT = Quarter Tone.
Aeolian A,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C,D.
Ake Bono G,C,D,Eb,G,Ab,C,D,Eb.
Banshiki Cho F,C,Eb,F,Ab,Bb,C,Eb,F.
Bayati A,D,QTEb,F,G,A,Bb,C,D.
Dorian A,D,E,F,G,A,B,C,D.
Harmonic Minor A,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C#,D.
Hitzaz A,D,Eb,F#,G,A,Bb,C,D.
Hitzazkiar Persian Scale A,D,Eb,F#,G,A,Bb,C#,D.
Hungarian Major A,C,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,A,C.
Huzam A,D,F,F#,G,A,B,C#,D.
Ionian G,C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C.
Kokin Choshi G,C,Db,F,G,Bb,C,Db,F.
Kourd Atar / Todi G,C,Db,Eb,F#,G,Ab,B,C.
Lydian G,C,D,E,F#,G,A,B,C.
Minor Penta G,C,Eb,F,G,Bb,C,Eb,F.
Neveseri A,D,Eb,F,Gb,A,Bb,C,Db.
Niavent Egyptian A,D,E,F,G#,A,Bb,C#,D.
Nirz Rast G,C,D,QTEb, F,G,QTAb,Bb,C.
Pentatonic C G,C,D,E,G,A,C,D,E.
Pentatonic F F,C,D,F,G,A,C,D,F.
Pelog G,C,Db+25,D+66,F+63,Gb+76,Ab,A+65,C+20 (+ cents).
Purvi A,D,Eb,F#,G#,A,Bb,C#,D.
Pygmy G,C,D,Eb,G,Bb,C,D,Eb.
Rast G,C,D,QTEb,F,G,A,QTBb,C.
Rumanikos A,D,E,F,G#,A,B,C,D.
Sabah A,D,E,F,Gb,A,Bb,C,C#.
Sadjagrama G+9, C,D-36,Eb-27,F-9,G+9,A-27,Bb-18,C (+/- Cents).
Segiah A,D,F,F#,G,A,Bb,C#,D.
Sho G,C,D,Eb,F,G,A,C,D.
Siendro G,C,D+18,E+73,G+21,A+54,C+13,D+58,E+95 (+ Cents).
Blues G,C,Eb,F,F#,G,Bb,C,Eb.
Goonkali G,C,Db,F,G,Ab,C,Db,F.
Iwato F,C,Db,F,Gb,Bb,C,Db,F.
Kumoi G,C,D,Eb,G,A,C,D,Eb.
Locrian E,B,C,D,E,F,G,A,B.
Locrian (Alternative Version) F,C,Db,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb,C.
Mmadhyamagrama G,C,D-36,Eb-27,F-9,G-45,A-27,Bb-18,C (+/- Cents).
Magen abot Bb,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb,C#,D.
Melog Selisir F,A,Bb,C,E,F,A,Bb,C.
Mixolydian G,C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb,C.
Overtone Scale Bb,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb,C#,D.
Noh G,C,D,F,G,G#,A,B,C.
Phrygian F#,B,C,D,E,F#,G,A,B.
Pyeong Jo F,C,D,F,A,Bb,C,D,F.
Shang Diao F,Bb,C,Eb,F,Ab,Bb,C,Eb.
Zokuso E,B,C,E,F,G,B,C,E.