Rattlesnake Crafts With Sticks & Beads
- Create rattlesnake maracas from items found around your yard and house. Cover an empty toilet paper roll with an old piece of pantyhose or sheer stocking to form the snake's body. Find a stick in the yard that is about 7 inches long and has one forked end for the snake's tongue. Cut a small hole in the stocking's toe end and fit through the forked end of the stick. Fill the roll with a handful of small beads. Pull the stocking tight and tie it off around the stick protruding from the bottom of the roll; trim off any excess. Cut shapes from sticky-backed foam to decorate the snake's body. Glue on two beads as eyes.
- Make a bendable rattlesnake to use as a decoration in your child's room, as a book mark or in another crafty way. Form the snake's body by twisting together two or three different color, long pipe cleaners. Glue a craft pom-pom to one end. Cut a piece of red ribbon into a Y shape. Glue the ribbon and two beads to the pom-pom to create a tongue and eyes. Drop a handful of multicolored beads into a small clear plastic vial with a lid, such as an empty pill bottle. Wrap the other end of the pipe cleaners snugly around the top of the vial to create a rattle.
- Make a sturdy rattlesnake from a wooden spoon. Paint the entire spoon any color using craft paint. Decorate it using different color markers; draw on scales, zigzag stripes, triangles or other shapes. Cut a Y shape for a tongue from red felt. Glue the tongue to the edge of the spoon's bowl and two beads for eyes to the back, flat side.
Rattlesnake Maracas
Bendable Rattlesnake
Wooden Spoon Rattlesnake