How Do Solar Air Conditioners Work?
- According to, solar air conditioners use a solar panel to heat the gas inside, instead of electricity as with a regular air conditioner. The solar panel is placed on your roof or in a nearby garden and is heated by the sun, and this heat is collected and delivers a significantly high-pressured gas to the condenser. This gas is heated and pressured more than in a regular air conditioner.
- In the condenser, the gas is converted into a fluid, which turns colder than the gas that went in. The high pressure changes the gas to a liquid. The liquid then moves to the evaporator, where it is converted into a cool, low-pressure gas. This is the air that cools your house.
- Hybrid systems automatically switch between solar and battery power. On an overcast day, or in the evening or shade, battery power automatically switches on when the solar power is not enough. The batteries charge themselves via alternating current power.
- Chillers, also called evaporative coolers, work by heating and cooling water through evaporation and condensation. Solar energy runs the fan and the motor that causes these processes to occur. You can plug in these chillers for periods where solar power is weak, but they still use a maximum of only 500 watts per hour, versus 3,500 watts for central air conditioning.
Solar Panels
Gas Conversions
Hybrid Systems