How to Install Fiberglass Insulation in Vaulted Ceilings
- 1). Measure the first section of the vaulted ceiling from the peak to the base, where it meets the wall. Take the measurement from alongside one of the exposed studs.
- 2). Lay a length of fiberglass insulation out on the floor. Stretch out your tape measure next to it, opened to the length you need. Cut across the width of the insulation, running a utility knife alongside a straight edge to keep it level.
- 3). Set the cut insulation between two studs on the ceiling, from the peak to the base, wedging it in between the studs with the paper-covered side facing down into the room.
- 4). Secure the insulation to the studs, starting at the peak, by shooting staples through the paper edges of the insulation and into the sides of the studs. Use pairs of staples every 6 inches or so on both sides so it's held securely near the top.
- 5). Work your way down the length of the piece with the stapler, putting pairs of staples every 12 to 18 inches along both sides. Use the utility knife to cut the insulation around any electrical boxes or other obstructions on the wall.
- 6). Repeat the process for each area between the studs on each section of the ceiling. Drywall will go right over the insulation onto the studs.