How to Save on Batteries on a Laptop
- 1). Cut down on the number of unnecessary programs running on the computer. Any programs that are not vital will shorten the laptop battery's endurance and should be closed or transferred to a desktop computer.
- 2). Dim the laptop's screen. This function can be performed manually by pressing on the computer keys that have a brighter and darker sun icon. The less power used to power the screen, the less battery life is being used.
- 3). Remove any discs from drives that are not in use. These discs continue to run and will draw down battery life.
- 4). Avoid allowing a fully charged laptop battery to remain unused for long periods. Turn on the computer every two or three weeks to ensure that the battery does not degrade.
- 5). Clean the battery's metal contacts with a soft cloth that is soaked with rubbing alcohol; this will increase the battery's efficiency.
- 6). Turn down the sound volume on the computer or mute it when not in use.
- 7). Remove any external devices that are not in use. USB devices, such as a mouse, and a WiFi device will drain the battery, even when not active.