Trophy Deer Hunting in North Dakota
- All licensing requirements, seasonal news, youth and other necessary information are found at the North Dakota government game and fish site. For all types of deer hunting, all current regulations and laws are clearly set out, including proclamations setting the hunting seasons. Guides for every type of animal legal to hunt in the state of North Dakota are listed with links to current copies, maps, educational materials and conservation information.
- The state of South Dakota, for example, defines a trophy deer as one whose rack or antlers score a 160 or better on the Boone and Crockett score sheet. The Boone and Crockett score measures by number of points on each antler, by the length from tip to tip (the spread) and inside spread and length of both abnormal and normal points. This scoring method has become a standard in the hunting world.
- Many hunters who hunt for the love of the meat as well as the added bonus of a trophy buck, base their definition of a trophy animal in terms of pounds of meat. The animal is weighed and the weight recorded. Hunters groups all across the United States and Canada have begun organizations whose sole purpose is the distribution of meat from hunted animals. Sharing the hunt is a common practice now feeding many disadvantaged people.
- The Pope and Young Club scores trophies taken down by bow hunters. Established in the early 1960's, the Pope and Young Club comprises bow hunters and conservationists. The club has a globally accepted system to score bagged big game, keeping statistical data on herds, species and records. Both rifle and bow hunting for trophy big game are legal and licensed in North Dakota.
- The state of North Dakota Game and Fish Department sets goals every five years to lay groundwork for deer licenses and regulations in the state. This enables the department to keep close track of the deer population and migration from information gathered from hunter and deer surveys, as well as game warden stats. The numbers tell how many can be culled from the herds without population disruption among other data regarding deer in North Dakota.
Rack Scoring
Trophy Weight
Bow Hunting
Deer Management