The Alder Beetle

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    • Adult banded alder borers are long and flat, with parallel sides. They are typically around 1 inch in length and have long antennae. The banded alder border's antennae and body both have a distinct white and black banded pattern. These beetles are often mistaken for Asian longhorn beetles, a dangerous exotic pest. However, the two species are easily distinguished by looking behind the head. On an Asian longhorn beetle, this area is shiny black. On an alder beetle the area behind the head is white with a large black spot.


    • Banded alder borers are frequently found in forests or wooded areas in areas from California to New Mexico, Alaska and British Columbia. The adults are typically seen during the day and may often be found in large numbers on dead and decaying trees and stumps. They have also been seen on freshly painted buildings, attracted by the scent of the volatiles in certain paints.

    Life Cycle

    • Adult alder beetles lay their eggs on the bark of dead branches of the host tree. The eggs hatch within one to two weeks and the larvae then remain under the bark, feeding for about six to seven months. At this point the larvae bore into the center of a twig where they will remain in a pupal state for the winter months. In the spring, the adult emerges by chewing its way out of the branch.

    Host Plants

    • The larvae of the banded alder borer may tunnel or bore into dead tree trunks and branches of the alder tree and also oaks, willows, ash and maples. Also called the California Laurel borer, adult banded alder borers are harmless, often seen in late summer or early fall around firewood piles and dead alder trees. The adults and the larvae feed on dead hardwoods and are no threat to healthy, live trees.

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