How To Finger A Girl To Drive Her Into Female Ejaculation Orgasms Again and Again!
Sex surveys show that only about 10% of women have had this experience.
When a woman does have this experience, she is overcome with the power of her orgasm.
Why Do Woman Not Ejaculate The reason that women do not ejaculate is that the build up to this experience is similar to the urge to urinate.
Most women feel they are going to urinate in the bed so they block the ejaculation response.
The best way to overcome this fear is to go to the toilet before sex.
Also, it is a good idea to protect the bed with some towels.
By dong both of the above, a woman can feel safe.
She will be more able to let go and surrender without a fear of urination.
Many women have been criticised from an insensitive lover about their wetness.
This turns them off wanting a wet orgasm.
One has to forget about past negative feedback.
The Best Method To Get A Girt To Ejaculate.
Most men do not realise the power of fingering the vulva.
One can apply a lot more pressure to the sensitive g spot area and at the same time stimulate the clitoris area.
The first key is to get your lover really turned on with a lot of great foreplay.
Touching all of her body is great idea.
By touching all of her and going inward to the more erotic areas is the key.
Really enjoy touching the smooth curves of your lover.
Feel your love come out of your finger tips and she will feel this in her body.
Teasing and anticipation are ways to drive a woman's sexual energy through the roof.
Kiss and pull away before she wants you too.
Do this a few times and she will really want you.
When she is really hot turn your attention to the vulva.
Place your whole hand on the vulva and just hold.
The heat of your hand will turn her on even more.
You will notice that she is really wet at this stage if you have been following the above advice.
Slowly let your second finger enter her wet and soft vulva.
Touch her g spot and just hold.
After a minute, stimulate the g spot by a come here motion.
Curl your first finger so it rests on the left side of the woman's clitoris.
How move your whole hand in and out in a relaxed motion.
Ask her to make sounds and let her energy fill the room.
You will notice that her vulva will get very wet.
Also the g spot will swell up as she gets close to an ejaculation orgasm.
Increase the vibration of your fingers to drive her to orgasm.
When she is just about to orgasm, command her to totally let go like she is going to wee.
There is a good chance she will ejaculate.
If she does not it is not an issue.
Sex should not be goal orientated.
She will have had an intense orgasm anyhow.
Dirty Talking Drives Her Wild