How to Format a SmartMedia Card
- 1). Check to see if your computer has a built-in card reading unit. Look on the side of the computer if it's a laptop or the front drive bays if it's a desktop. Purchase an external card reader that plugs into a USB port if your computer does not have a built-in reader.
- 2). Power on your computer and then insert the card into the slot marked as "SD" on the card reader. Wait a few moments to see if your computer automatically opens a prompt asking what you'd like to do with the card. Click on the link that says "Open a new folder to view."
- 3). Click on the "Start" button at the bottom of your desktop if your computer does not automatically prompt you to make a decision. Click on "My Computer" and then scroll down to the card reader drive.
- 4). Right-click on the drive bay for your card reader, regardless of whether you got there from going through "My Computer" or by choosing the automatic prompt to open a new folder.
- 5). Click the option that says "Re-format" in the new menu that will pop up. Choose the option to set the file format to "FAT16" and then click on "OK" to finish the formatting.