Tips on How to Make Your Snail Mail Interesting
- Paper choice can make a big difference in your mail. Choose a personalized card purchased from the card store, or use your creative skills to create a unique card with different colored paper and markers. You may want to just send a note on decorative notepaper. Try colored stationery for a fun note, or heavy linen stationery if you are looking for a more formal look. You can even use a plain piece of paper and decorate it yourself with different colored pens or markers.
- Many store-bought cards come accompanied by colorful envelopes. When picking out a card, you may want to keep envelopes in mind as well. If you fall in love with a card that comes with a plain envelope, simply decorate it yourself using crayons, markers and stickers. If you are using marker, decorate the envelope without the card in it so that the marker does not bleed on to the card. If you plan on using stickers, find stickers that suit the occasion, such as birthday cakes, hearts or stickers that read "Miss you."
- Cards and letters do not have to be written in blue or black ink. Purchase different colored pens or markers to make your mail more interesting. Your recipient is going to be excited to open up that piece of mail that has been addressed to you in pink or green. To make it even more interesting, experiment with colorful calligraphy pens. You don't need to be formally trained in calligraphy to have some fun with it.
- Pick up stationery or note cards that are scented. When your recipient opens up the mail, he will get a subtle whiff of the scent of your choice. Choose a romantic scent for that special somebody on valentines day. You can also find more playful scents for a special friend. If you live a great distance from your recipient, select a scent that will remind her of your location.
Paper Choice
Writing Instruments
Scented Stationery