How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation - This is a Must Read For All Men to Last Longer in Sex
Since that is so, experience plays a minor role in helping with this.
This condition can be prevented through some simple ways, although these would still require practice.
With that, here are some tips on how to prevent premature ejaculation.
Self Distraction Premature ejaculation occurs if you get aroused too easily, too soon and if this does not happen at the right time.
Since arousal is one big issue here, you can do something to subside it.
If you feel that you are climaxing, try to take a deep breath and think of something that is considerably boring and would keep you unfocused on your situation.
If this does not work, you can pull your penis out when you are about to climax, then take a deep breath and relax.
While this could help you, it can be annoying for your partner so make sure that you talk to her about it before you do this.
Limiting Your Senses If nothing natural works, the use of some products would really be a good way on how to help you last longer in sex.
Another possibility if you commonly experience premature ejaculation is if your penis is over sensitive.
If this is the case, you can be helped by some products.
One would be desensitizing creams which you can place on your penis so that it does not become that sensitive, thus taking it longer for you to achieve orgasm.
You can also use a thicker condom since you would not feel much if you put this one on.