Your Guide to Online Dating Safety!
Hopefully, I can outline in this article most of the benefits and problems associated with online dating.
The sole purpose of using an online dating service is to enable you to meet the perfect date.
Hopefully you would also meet a life time friend.
Online dating however, has huge differences to that of finding and meeting a date in the offline world.
There are a number of helpful tips which you should be aware of to ensure that your online dating experience will be as safe and as positive as possible.
When the time comes to meet the online date of your choice, you will probably be feeling rather excited and also suffer from some nervous anticipation.
The whole experience can give you a huge thrill; however it is of the utmost importance that you put yourself on the defensive during the first meet.
You must bear in mind that this person is a complete stranger; you will know absolutely nothing about this person.
Remember; although the vast majority of people who make use of online dating are honest and genuine people, there are a small number of unsavory characters who you should be wary of.
There are of course things you can do to help make the first date safe and also exciting: Never ever arrange for your date to pick you up from your home address, always arrange to meet up somewhere instead.
If the date doesn't work out, you will be safe in the knowledge that they cannot pester you, as they do not have your address.
Always meet somewhere which is public, say a restaurant or maybe a café.
You need to be certain that there are a lot of people around, just in case things go wrong.
It might be a good idea to arrange a double date or meet up with a group of friends, this way you won't be alone with a complete stranger on your first date.
Remember, it is your safety which is the most important thing during the first date.
Offer to pay for half of the meal or drinks etc.
Doing this, will ensure that you do not feel obliged to return the favor if your date pays for everything.
Do not consume too much alcohol.
With alcohol you will lose your inhibitions and this will seriously affect your judgment.
If you must drink alcohol on your first date, always ensure that you keep your drink in full view at all times; this is to prevent anyone slipping something nasty into it.
Try not to get drunk, this is your first date and you must remain in control.
Let someone you trust know where you are going.
It would also be a good idea, to have someone call you on your mobile phone at a given time, to ensure that you are ok.
Arrange your own transport to and from the date.
Never get into your dates car.
Remember, this is a stranger.
Following all of these basic rules your online dating experience will be a fun and exciting time.
Always practice safety, always be in control.