Lemon Juice For Acne Scar Removal: The Absolute Truth Revealed!
Acne is the kind of disease that affects adolescent kids and young women more than adult, young men.
That said, even some men do suffer from acne outbreaks in adulthood! The lesions caused by acne take only a couple of days to heal, but the scars which are formed after the healing process, remain for a long time - sometimes, forever! If you have suffered from mild acne, then chances are that the scars are superficial; fortunately the treatments for removing such scars don't cost much! But what if your acne was severe and the scars are so deep that the only way to get rid of them is by going under the knife? Well, actually you don't have to go for any expensive surgery.
In this article I will tell you how you can get rid of acne blemishes merely by applying lemon juice! Lemon is known for its strong acidic properties.
The critic acid present in lemon not only helps to detoxify your body but also exfoliates the outer layer of the skin - so as to give the newer skin below the scar a chance to grow.
When the old, scarry skin is replaced with the newer and healthier skin, your scars start vanishing! Lemon can be applied both topically and orally.
For oral consumption, you would want to slice into two or four pieces and squeeze lemon into a glass of water and drink it; some people prefer to add some salt to the mix! For topical application, get a clean cotton pad or swab, wash the affected area thoroughly with water, then start applying the lemon juice on the affected area.
Note that lemon can sting your skin with burning sensation if your skin is extremely sensitive; also, excessive application of lemon can result in dry and flaky skin! The solution is simple: dilute the juice a bit if you suffer from such irritation after the application of lemon (note that it is common to experience a little burning sensation immediately after the application of lemon juice on your skin, but it is temporary and only lasts for a few minutes).
If your skin is oily, then dilute lemon juice with cucumber juice; on the other hand, if you have a dry skin, then add honey to the lemon juice in order to lessen its strength! Lemon is an astringent rich both in detoxification and anti-bacterial properties! Lemon not only improves your skin tone but also prevents future acne attacks.
Also, like I said before, you should drink one glass of lemon juice regularly to improve your digestion and detoxify your body! Along with that, you should also improve your diet by adding more natural fruits and vegetables, and discarding junk and processed foods; while junk foods only increase the toxin buildup of your body (resulting in acne outbreaks), natural fruits and vegetables do just the opposite: they help clean out the toxins from your body in the form of urine and excreta! Yes, it would take some time for your scars to heal, the more severe your acne scar is, the deeper the scar would be, and the longer it would take them to heal.
As with any natural remedy, you should not expect any kind of overnight miracle; unlike surgery, natural remedies work slowly, but then again, unlike an expensive surgery, lemon is not going to burn a hole in your pocket!
That said, even some men do suffer from acne outbreaks in adulthood! The lesions caused by acne take only a couple of days to heal, but the scars which are formed after the healing process, remain for a long time - sometimes, forever! If you have suffered from mild acne, then chances are that the scars are superficial; fortunately the treatments for removing such scars don't cost much! But what if your acne was severe and the scars are so deep that the only way to get rid of them is by going under the knife? Well, actually you don't have to go for any expensive surgery.
In this article I will tell you how you can get rid of acne blemishes merely by applying lemon juice! Lemon is known for its strong acidic properties.
The critic acid present in lemon not only helps to detoxify your body but also exfoliates the outer layer of the skin - so as to give the newer skin below the scar a chance to grow.
When the old, scarry skin is replaced with the newer and healthier skin, your scars start vanishing! Lemon can be applied both topically and orally.
For oral consumption, you would want to slice into two or four pieces and squeeze lemon into a glass of water and drink it; some people prefer to add some salt to the mix! For topical application, get a clean cotton pad or swab, wash the affected area thoroughly with water, then start applying the lemon juice on the affected area.
Note that lemon can sting your skin with burning sensation if your skin is extremely sensitive; also, excessive application of lemon can result in dry and flaky skin! The solution is simple: dilute the juice a bit if you suffer from such irritation after the application of lemon (note that it is common to experience a little burning sensation immediately after the application of lemon juice on your skin, but it is temporary and only lasts for a few minutes).
If your skin is oily, then dilute lemon juice with cucumber juice; on the other hand, if you have a dry skin, then add honey to the lemon juice in order to lessen its strength! Lemon is an astringent rich both in detoxification and anti-bacterial properties! Lemon not only improves your skin tone but also prevents future acne attacks.
Also, like I said before, you should drink one glass of lemon juice regularly to improve your digestion and detoxify your body! Along with that, you should also improve your diet by adding more natural fruits and vegetables, and discarding junk and processed foods; while junk foods only increase the toxin buildup of your body (resulting in acne outbreaks), natural fruits and vegetables do just the opposite: they help clean out the toxins from your body in the form of urine and excreta! Yes, it would take some time for your scars to heal, the more severe your acne scar is, the deeper the scar would be, and the longer it would take them to heal.
As with any natural remedy, you should not expect any kind of overnight miracle; unlike surgery, natural remedies work slowly, but then again, unlike an expensive surgery, lemon is not going to burn a hole in your pocket!