How Often Should You Defrag a Computer?
- Defragging is slang for the term "disk defragmentation." The act of defragging your computer's hard drive means you are piecing back all the data pertaining to individual files and programs. By defragging this information, it is all placed into a single location on the drive or disk instead of multiple locations. Because your computer no longer has to search multiple locations for information, this process speeds up the time it takes to locate and open files and programs.
- Microsoft recommends defragging your computer on a regular basis for optimal performance. The frequency of defragging depends on how much (and in what capacity) you use your computer; for example, the more often you use your computer and the more programs you run on it, the more often you should defrag. Microsoft suggests defragging at least weekly.
- Your computer fragments files starting with the very first time you open them. Whenever you add a large number of new files to your computer, you should run a defrag. Additionally, any time you add new programs to your computer--or upgrade or change the operating system on which your computer runs--you should defrag your computer to keep it running more efficiently.
- When files are fragmented, they take up more space in your computer's memory. Any time your hard drive's total memory is less than 15 percent, run a defrag to better organize files and free up space on the hard drive.
What Is Defragging?
Defrag for Performance Boost
Defrag for Efficiency
Defrag to Clear Hard Drive Space