Short Sleeves Insights - Death By Design?
"Death is different living for the exalted one.
His soul becomes calm and settled.
Death is union not torture and suffering.
It's different than the ignorant one who dies all the time.
" Once again my friend Rumi says so much in so few words.
Death, the biggest fear for most of us, is not really a big deal unless we make it that way through ignorance.
Scientifically speaking the cells and molecules within my body are dying and being reborn all the time.
The body I had ten years ago was filled with different cells and molecules than what are present today.
The old cells died, but my physical form remained.
My consciousness stayed focused on my physical self, and I continued to "Live.
" But I changed, grew and expanded over those ten years.
I experienced death within myself, but I was not aware of it, because I hid that part from myself.
No need to understand how my body works, it just works right? If I am capable of hiding that experience from myself, what else can I hide? It turns out pretty much anything I want, can be locked away in a cell or group of cells waiting to die or be released.
This of course will bring about the death of my physical form sooner than I expected, but it is a choice I make consciously.
I can say I do it subconsciously if I choose, but it is still me making the choice.
Then I blame someone or something else.
There are plenty of things available to make me think I am fooling myself, but my truth is always there, waiting to be released.
Death of my physical form works that way as well.
All the choices and all of the events I experience, lead up to that final day.
Funny thing is, it's not final at all.
Just like the death and rebirth of my cells while I'm alive, my consciousness still functions.
It is not controlled by time or space.
I do stop focusing one part of my consciousness on my physical form, and shift my focus to another reality.
I am alive as I ever was, experiencing the beliefs I had about death before I died.
So my after death experience could be completely different from yours, based on my thoughts about death.
Interesting concept, but if I create my world physically using my thoughts, then I could also create my after life experience using my same consciousness.
That idea brings a whole new concept to life, fear would only be present, if I thought fearfully.
In ignorance I live in fear and create a world that doesn't exist either alive or dead.
In love I live connected to all life and in death that connections grows, expands and becomes a grander version of this I, that consciously lives in harmony with another aspect of myself.
His soul becomes calm and settled.
Death is union not torture and suffering.
It's different than the ignorant one who dies all the time.
" Once again my friend Rumi says so much in so few words.
Death, the biggest fear for most of us, is not really a big deal unless we make it that way through ignorance.
Scientifically speaking the cells and molecules within my body are dying and being reborn all the time.
The body I had ten years ago was filled with different cells and molecules than what are present today.
The old cells died, but my physical form remained.
My consciousness stayed focused on my physical self, and I continued to "Live.
" But I changed, grew and expanded over those ten years.
I experienced death within myself, but I was not aware of it, because I hid that part from myself.
No need to understand how my body works, it just works right? If I am capable of hiding that experience from myself, what else can I hide? It turns out pretty much anything I want, can be locked away in a cell or group of cells waiting to die or be released.
This of course will bring about the death of my physical form sooner than I expected, but it is a choice I make consciously.
I can say I do it subconsciously if I choose, but it is still me making the choice.
Then I blame someone or something else.
There are plenty of things available to make me think I am fooling myself, but my truth is always there, waiting to be released.
Death of my physical form works that way as well.
All the choices and all of the events I experience, lead up to that final day.
Funny thing is, it's not final at all.
Just like the death and rebirth of my cells while I'm alive, my consciousness still functions.
It is not controlled by time or space.
I do stop focusing one part of my consciousness on my physical form, and shift my focus to another reality.
I am alive as I ever was, experiencing the beliefs I had about death before I died.
So my after death experience could be completely different from yours, based on my thoughts about death.
Interesting concept, but if I create my world physically using my thoughts, then I could also create my after life experience using my same consciousness.
That idea brings a whole new concept to life, fear would only be present, if I thought fearfully.
In ignorance I live in fear and create a world that doesn't exist either alive or dead.
In love I live connected to all life and in death that connections grows, expands and becomes a grander version of this I, that consciously lives in harmony with another aspect of myself.