Couples Clubs in Kansas City
- KC couples clubs cater to many walks of life.young couple image by Mat Hayward from
Kansas City, Missouri, offers all sorts of traditional couples outings, from bars and nightclubs to art galleries to a plentiful selection of movie theaters. Likewise, this burgeoning metropolitan location hosts more than its fair share of social clubs, many of which focus living with a significant other. From marriage support groups to alternative lifestyle clubs, couples in KC will surely find a group suited to their tastes. - KC No Kidding is the local chapter of a international group of all-volunteer, member-run clubs. According to the club's official website, No Kidding is a social club for adult couples without children. This club focuses on online interaction, offering its members customized pages, photo-sharing opportunities, polls and forums for communication. While parents have a built-in social network via the activities of their children, KC No Kidding provides a social network for childless adults. This club organizes events including wine tastings, dinners, bowling, baseball games, charity fundraisers and a monthly happy hour. Any resident of the Kansas City metropolitan area who has chosen to live or is considering choosing to live a child-free life is welcome to join. KC No Kidding is a free club and does not collect dues or fees from its members. Child-free singles are welcome as well.
- This club focuses on enriching the lives of married couples.rose and wedding-ring image by Mykola Velychko from
According to its official website, the Kansas city chapter of the Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment focuses on "educating couples for vibrant, lifelong relationship." The Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment---or A.C.M.E.--is an international, educational, non-profit and nonsectarian organization that strives to keep marriages healthy. The club provides resources for married couples, including group exercises, leader forums and events. Events include couples communication courses, relationship classes, weekend retreats, clergy retreats and mentor training while exercises focus on improving anger management, growth, intimacy, finances and values within couples. Some retreats and activities at the KC chapter of Marriage Enrichment come with a nominal fee. - Club Eden hosts sensual dancing for couples.dancing girls image by JENNY SOLOMON from
On the opposite end of the couples' club spectrum, Club Eden provides a private event for couples practicing an alternative lifestyle. This private nighttime couples' club meets irregularly at upscale hotels in the Kansas City area, hosting socializing, drinking and dancing in what their official website dubs a "sensually-charged atmosphere." Music encompasses popular dance styles as well as romantic slow songs. Meetings involve between 200 and 350 members, generally in their 20s through 40s. The club is not a swingers club; Club Eden enforces a policy of no nudity and no sexual activity within the club. Club Eden is for couples and single females only. Interested couples must RSVP at the club's official website, where they can also keep track of Eden's schedule.